Friday, December 7, 2018

Immaculate Gestation

This year the immaculate conception will be celebrated on December 8th, in honor of god knocking up the virgin Mary and 16 short days later Jesus was born in the manger. One of a gods' major miracles, but what poor Mary had to go through in just 16 days...regular human gestation normally takes 280 days.

You know what has a gestation period of about 16 days?

This is my daughter's hamster, Snowball, who passed away last Christmas day
I can not imagine the fatigue, swelling, cramping, nausea, bloating, food aversions and/or cravings, headaches, constipation, and mood swings that happened to Mary in just 16 days...Oh wait, least we forget the baby kicking, pressure on the bladder and other internal organs, flatulence, and back pain. All progressing in a little over two weeks.

Add this on top of being a virgin, and married to a guy, but you haven't consummated the relationship as directed by the good book.

And if this was all an act of a god, why all the obstacles, of having to travel and look for a place and ending up in a stable?

This just boggles my scientific analytical mind...enjoy the season people and keeping thinking and questioning...

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

#MAGA? F*ck No

So in the last couple of weeks we have had a recall on lettuce that was making people sick, now we have a recall of 5-12 million pounds of ground beef.
How is this happening?

It comes back to the party of no and so-called "fiscal responsibility" and their budget which cut 16% of the USDA budget (from $22.7B to $18B), who needs their food inspected, this just constricts the free market. Now we need to shut down the government to build a wall and government workers will not get a raise because of an "economic crisis."

The food we eat is not getting inspected properly and also all the workers that are willing to work in food production are being deported out of the country because they are scaring the white folks. This is being caused by the massive tax cuts and now the need to slash spending in the budget. And do those cuts come from the over inflated military budget? Fuck no. They come out of the smaller line items like the FDA and USDA, you know the ones help everyday people like you and me. Next, kill EPA clean water bills that protect waters used to irrigate crops and watering livestock.

We just had mid-term elections and were people intelligent enough to vote out this evil cretins, working only for their wallets? Fuck no. Keep believing that it will all trickle down, that everyone can achieve the "American Dream," that immigrants are coming to rob and rape you, take your jobs, steal your tax money...

You don't need healthcare and safety net if you die from food poisoning....Bon appetite!

Monday, October 1, 2018

Kavanaugh-Not Worthy

It has been a while since I have written anything in my blog, but with so much at stake with the US and that are failing as leaders, I thought I should post.

I have many friends that have voiced that they believe that Brett Kavanaugh is being railroaded out of his chance of holding a seat on the bench of the highest court in the land. That some kind of major rouse is being played out by the other side of the aisle to frame the man and smear his 'good' name.

More deep state conspiracy stuff?
Come on now...

Even if the Democrats are trying to prevent his appointment onto the Supreme Court with 'fake' assault stories, and tales of high school and college debauchery, the best outcome of all this, is that the man does not have the temperament and the even keel thinking to make fair judgement in anything. Well played, well... played...

His unstable reaction, his lack of cognitive awareness and understanding, and explosive demeanor should automatically DQ him from moving forward. Kavanaugh has proven himself truly not worthy to hold this position and probably should be removed from his current appellate seat.

The man does not even stick to his own stated values, let alone anyone else's moral code. His appointment would undermine decades of equal/civil rights advancement, women's rights, and justice for anyone that is less fortunate in this world.

We need to find someone with decency and fairness, but what do I know....

Wednesday, April 25, 2018


I guess creative, elaborate ways are a thing for asking people to prom (on top of the outrageous expense these days).

I have seen many on social media and a few in person of the way today's youth ask each other to prom. I guess it takes a lot of courage and self confidence to go "crazy" in public in popping the question. You are either going to be embarrassed and humiliated, put the person on the spot and pressure them into maybe responded otherwise, or it works out for everyone...not sure if I could do it.
My marriage proposal was not that extravagant, it was funny and rememberable, but not grandiose. This may explain why I am divorced, I didn't go large enough, and if I am every stupid enough to get married again (I hope I learned my lesson) I guess I have to go bigger next time...

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Elderly Care for Beginners

Taking care of aging parents is something that many of us are doing or will be facing very soon. With the rising costs of assisted living and skilled nursing facilities, it is prohibitive to just ship mom or dad off to a facility.

I am currently taking care of parent that is aging and has health issues associated with the elderly. Recently I have had to deal with several situations where quick thinking help was needed and I found myself only slightly prepared. So I think that there should be some kind of class or classes at the local Rec or Community Ctr or as part of the local hospital services that train people advanced first responder knowledge of dealing with the elderly at your home.
I even have a name for the course...."How to Get Mom Off the Floor"

The course will be broken down into various helpful units, some with great medical background and others with sound advice dealing with social areas. The following is a quick list (in no particular order) of some of the units or sub-units that should or need to be included.

  • I fallen and can't get up, so what is next...
  • Stopping excessive bleeding while on blood thinners
  • Pill organization
  • Taking the car keys away
  • Keeping your patience when answering the same question for 100th time today
  • Advocating and getting information out of medical professionals in terms you understand
  • Checking vital signs and what to look for.
  • Balancing their life with yours and vice versa
  • Stain removal
  • Remembering all the names of the EMS personnel
  • How to make bland tasteless meals that are easy to chew
  • Basic lifesaving skills
  • How to install safety rails  and other safety measures around the home
  • How to initiate a Siver Alert
I am sure there are many other topics that are needed and can be added.

Anyone have an idea if one of these training classes already exist and how I enroll, or is anyone willing to help me get this started...willing to share the credit, let me know.

Monday, April 9, 2018

Fed Up with FEDEX

I used to work for UPS for a short time. While driving my route I never understood how FEDEX worked, meaning I would be delivering packages, both overnight and regular UPS  service to an address and FEDEX ground, overnight and freight would show up in three different trucks delivering to the same place. Not quite sure how this business model worked.

So, the other day I ordered a few things and got a noticed that they had shipped via FEDEX and to expect deliver end of day on Friday. Friday comes and goes and no package. I check back on the FEDEX website and see delivery pending. I check Monday morning and the FEDEX website has been updated that my package has been picked up at the original shipping place on Friday and that my delivery is still pending.

So why did I receive notification that my package was shipped 5 days earlier? And why did I pay for shipping the that guarantees delivery in a certain window of dates and it doesn't even leave the place of origin within the expected shipping expenditure?

And yes, part of it was a present for this past weekend, thankfully the intended recipient was understanding.

Later on Monday, I get a notice from FEDEX that a package being sent to my daughter would arrive today by 8 pm. Texted her mother about this and was informed that the package arrived last week sometime. Seriously, thanks for the timely updates...

I guess this partly how business is now done nowadays, with the "business" minded people now in charge of this country...BTW, when I order through Amazon it comes UPS, not USPS, so it is not getting free delivery on the tax payers dime.

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Russian Collusion

There are some that don't think that Russia has infiltrated America society, whether through the elections, our infrastructure, or even our social media. Me personally knows that it has been done and I have proof.

Working in and out of a middle school, I have notice that the kids are starting to dress with that Russian mafia style. You know, the Adidas track suit with the matching Adidas sneakers. Watch or google any Russian mafia member and they all have the same look.
Some of the kids are even starting to bring the Kangoo hat back, too. If that is not solid evidence that our society has not been hacked by the Russians, I don't know what else you could be looking for.

The collusion is real.

Friday, March 9, 2018

Flying Restrictions

So I just booked a flight to surprise my daughter for her birthday (shhhh, I don't think she reads or follows this blog, but still don't tell). I use one of the many search and purchase sites on the interwebz and they provide great and easy service. This intinerary I will be using two different airlines, but that doesn't matter because they are all the same.
And they are now all out for themselves and have even developed more classes that can be booked for when flying. Used to be just First Class and Cabin, then they added Business Class and called Cabin, Economy. Now they have split Economy into three different levels; Economy, Economy Plus, and Basic Economy. Three different pricing levels and different amenities at each level.

I do not fly First or Business anymore, especially if it is on my dime, there was a time, but not anymore. So I have no idea what is offered for amenities at those levels. 

The three levels and three different prices in the Cabin, have the following as amenities as I understand now...
  • Economy Plus- Can have a carry on and personal item, and they supposedly have an inch or two extra leg room, and you get to still choose your seat.
  • Economy- Carry on at $25 extra charge and a personal item, no leg room, and you get to chose your seat.
  • Basic Economy- No Carry on what so every, even if you pay the extra and a personal item, and you don't get to choose your seat.
Of course in all the cabin, you can pay the checked baggage fees...

I guess customer service in the airlines industry is dead, we are just cattle to be transported.

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

"Thoughts and Prayers"

Once again we have had a mass shooting and it has riled the nation. And of course our reaction is to send "Thoughts and Prayers."
Every time a tragedy happens in this country, we think that 'thoughts and prayers' are the answer. Now I am not going to go into the gun control debate and how it does or does not infringe on the 2nd Amendment (gun control doesn't btw).

So lets talk about 'thoughts and prayers'....

Prayers are not be heard by the entity they are being sent to, if they are, that deity does not give a shit. If it did, things would change and it hasn't. May be because a god, any god, does not exist. I know everyone will counter with 'godless people are carrying out these act,' blah, blah, they shake and rattle their 'good book.' But didn't a god cleanse and absolve everyone of sin on this orb once with a great flood, and if there is so much 'evil' today, why hasn't that happened again? So bring on the floods and ark builders and lets start anew.

That brings us to thoughts. Thought, the action or process of thinking. Yes, we will send thoughts, but we actually will not do any thinking. No thought will be put into actually solving the situation. Outside of thinking that we must do something, nothing will be done. Not a thing. And in a few days those thoughts will go away until the next time (it used to take weeks for those thoughts to go away, but I believe we have become desensitized and now only takes a few days). So we talk about thoughts, but none of us really want to think. That is too much effort.

So keep sending the 'prayers,' maybe next time they will start to take affect. Maybe next time a god will be listening, take notice and take action. As to the 'thoughts...' We will see, but I am not betting on it.

Friday, February 9, 2018

5th Grade Libertarians

A writing assignment in 5th grade is to write a poem or essay with the following prompt...

"If I was in charge of the world..."

Reading through the works I have concluded most 5th graders are Libertarians (which is not surprising as most Libertarians have a thought process that is on the 5th grade level).
Here are the most common things ( and they seem to fit the Libertarian platform) that the 5th graders would do if they were in charge;
  • No Homework
  • No Medical Shots
  • No Vegetables
  • No Taxes
I are trying to make the inference to Libertarianism, so let me help.

Homework is just the government led schools forcing regulation and squashing freedoms on the everyday person. Also Libertarians like low educated people and homework just advances critical thinking and gains of knowledge.
Medical shots once again forcing regulation on the populace.
Vegetables are just taking away their freedom or individual rights violations.
Taxes, well not sure what 5th graders know about taxes, pretty sure this is over heard conversations from their parental units, but we will go with that the government is stealing their parents money and if their parents had more money, they would be allowed to buy more things and everyone knows this is good for the free market.

The other thing I noticed was that none of them would do anything for the less fortunate. Not one said anything about helping society. I think this was the most telling thing that made 5th graders Libertarians. Libertarians are a me first oriented bunch, that as long as they get theirs, no body else matters.

Lets hope some get into those liberal slanted academia institutes and become woke...

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Why Do We Like Hot and Cold Food?

You take bite of piping hot pizza and burn the roof of your mouth, or you suck down a frosty milkshake and get 'brain freeze.' (Yes I know heat can burn and cold can freeze.)

Why as humans do we enjoy hot food? Or why do we enjoy cold food?
Now I am not talking about why we cook food, some foods can not be eaten raw or uncooked. And that some foods require a heating process to amalgamate or coagulate into a final food.  Also I am not talking about food safety and that we have to keep certain foods at temperatures for spoilage reasons.  I also understand that some foods are easier to digest in a warm or cold state. I am asking why we like foods hot or cold?

Other species do not heat their dinner to a temperature to enjoy, or chill it as a treat. Is it solely because man has the ability to control and use fire? That we can refrigerate items?

I personally know that we can be temperature sensitive, that hot or cold things can bother an achy tooth.

Why do we like our foods at different temperatures? I am sure there have been studies done, but I want to know what everyone else thinks.

Friday, January 5, 2018

Binge Watching

With the nor'easter or bomb cyclone, or polar vortex or whatever they are calling it, I was trapped inside and with little else to do but wait until I mustered up enough insanity to go and clear snow, I discovered a British/Canadian series on Amazon Prime. The short description sounded interesting, so I gave it a go.

Holy shit!

Best seven and a half hours I have spent doing just one thing in a long time. Great story, great characters, great setting, and great just had to click and watch the next episode, you needed to know where the story was going, what was going to happen next to the characters. A quick bathroom break, grab a snack, and back to the series.

So lets back up a minute...the series is called "Tin Star."
Tim Roth and maybe Christina Hendricks are probably the only actors that you will recognize, the rest are well established English, Irish, and Canadian thespians, but all bring awesome performances to the little screen.

I do not want to give away the story, so no spoilers, but there is enough dysfunction and mind numbing plot to make Twin Peaks look like normal. This is not shot in that weird David Lynch style, it is actually shot very Hollywood formula. Just the twists and turns and the unraveling of the characters far exceeds anything Lynch has done in my opinion.

It is also laced with enough violence and sex, some of it on the macabre side, it keeps up with a Guy Ritchie film. If you have watched other cable series like Justified or Longmire, you are going to love this one.

I highly recommend this, so watch it and get back to me on your thoughts...

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Another Milestone Post

So starts another year, as this blog did a number of years ago...
Since then I have posted 200+ times and the blog has been visited 5000+ times. Not bad for a blog of nonsense and mutterings. People are intrigued by my loosely fact checked opinions and what is going on in my mind. Suckers...

So here is to another year and thanks for the continuing support...

Monday, January 1, 2018

2017/2018 NFL Playoff

As the regular season comes to end and the playoffs start, it is good to see that some things change and some not so much...
On the AFC side, not much has changed since last year, NE, Pittsburg, and my KC Chiefs returning...with the Titans, Bills, and Jaguars finding their way in...should be some good games.

On the other who would have guessed that there would be no Dallas, no Giants, no Seattle, or Packers in the we have the Eagles, Vikings, Rams, Saints, Atlanta, and Panthers in the playoffs. Once again, who saw that coming?

I don't like predictions, but here goes...

AFC Side
NE- because somewhere and sometime the refs in NY will help them out...

NFC Side
LA Rams- because I don't know who else to pick

Superbowl Champs
NE- no one wants to see NE Fanboys cry and they don't know anything about the game so they just need to answer any question with "6X SuperBowl Champs", besides it is funny listening to them say "Tawm Bwady." And that the NFL loves them....and money.

Now being a Chiefs fan, they have all the tools, especially on the offensive side of the ball, but it is the Chiefs and it is the playoffs...

(BTW- NE did not get Harrison for secrets about the Steelers, they got him for his history against the Chiefs and the need for revenge for the loss earlier this year. Google it and see for yourself.)