Wednesday, April 25, 2018


I guess creative, elaborate ways are a thing for asking people to prom (on top of the outrageous expense these days).

I have seen many on social media and a few in person of the way today's youth ask each other to prom. I guess it takes a lot of courage and self confidence to go "crazy" in public in popping the question. You are either going to be embarrassed and humiliated, put the person on the spot and pressure them into maybe responded otherwise, or it works out for everyone...not sure if I could do it.
My marriage proposal was not that extravagant, it was funny and rememberable, but not grandiose. This may explain why I am divorced, I didn't go large enough, and if I am every stupid enough to get married again (I hope I learned my lesson) I guess I have to go bigger next time...

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