Friday, January 5, 2018

Binge Watching

With the nor'easter or bomb cyclone, or polar vortex or whatever they are calling it, I was trapped inside and with little else to do but wait until I mustered up enough insanity to go and clear snow, I discovered a British/Canadian series on Amazon Prime. The short description sounded interesting, so I gave it a go.

Holy shit!

Best seven and a half hours I have spent doing just one thing in a long time. Great story, great characters, great setting, and great just had to click and watch the next episode, you needed to know where the story was going, what was going to happen next to the characters. A quick bathroom break, grab a snack, and back to the series.

So lets back up a minute...the series is called "Tin Star."
Tim Roth and maybe Christina Hendricks are probably the only actors that you will recognize, the rest are well established English, Irish, and Canadian thespians, but all bring awesome performances to the little screen.

I do not want to give away the story, so no spoilers, but there is enough dysfunction and mind numbing plot to make Twin Peaks look like normal. This is not shot in that weird David Lynch style, it is actually shot very Hollywood formula. Just the twists and turns and the unraveling of the characters far exceeds anything Lynch has done in my opinion.

It is also laced with enough violence and sex, some of it on the macabre side, it keeps up with a Guy Ritchie film. If you have watched other cable series like Justified or Longmire, you are going to love this one.

I highly recommend this, so watch it and get back to me on your thoughts...

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