Wednesday, November 4, 2015

High Praise, I Guess...

So this past Spring, with the urging of some and the permission of others, I help found a pipe club. Of course it had to have a snooty name, so it was christened, "The Hartford Reading Society".

The 'Society provides a civilized haven from the hum-drum work-a-day world. Of course there is not much in the way of reading beyond the occasional tin of tobacco and/or the back of a bottle. We would not want to tax the brain too much.

We have monthly meetings with themes, and an electronic newsletter, which is written by our fearless leader, Ox.  Recently Ox wrote an excerpt laced with praise for yours truly and it is below...
Mascot and all.
 As I recline here in the leather bound splendor of the Tobacco Shop, I reflect back on an excellent gathering of The Hartford Reading Society.
Maestro Herb presided over a Columbus Day cruise around the world of tobacco. His three mixtures: Nina, Pinta and Santa Maria, were specially blended for the occasion. They kept the assembled members musing as to the formulae and proportions whilst "Herb of The Inscrutable Grin" watched in silence as we discussed the merits and probable ingredients of each. 

He finally could stand no more and put us out of our collective misery, with a knowing smile he divulged the aromatic secrets which lurked in the three mixtures: Dutch Cut, Virginia and Black Cavendish each formed the base of a mixture married with a special proprietary tobacco which, for highly sensitive matters of State, shall remain nameless. Suffice to say that no South American villagers were harmed in the production of this tobacco!

 We were all most suitably impressed with Herbs handiwork, no doubt he is the foremost Pipe Tobacco blender in Southern New England and we are indeed fortunate to have him as one of our founding members as well as our cordial representative from the Tobacco Shop.

 Until the next meeting of The Hartford Reading Society, my friends, stay on the green side of the grass! 
Thank you Ox for your kind words and encouragement, they are much appreciated...

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