Monday, November 2, 2015

CFL Danger

So I almost started the day with an electrical fire.

Alarm went off, turned on the bedside lamp and it started to flicker. I turned on the room light just in time for the lamp to flutter one more time and see a wisp of smoke rise. I reached to check the bulb tightness and was almost burned by the heat of the base.
It was quickly unplugged and taken outside (my apologies to the neighborhood as I was in just my boxers). 

Turns out that when Compact Fluorescent Lights (CFLs) go bad they will arc, causing them to heat rapidly, and emit a puff of smoke. 

The local hardware store had a replacement (needed the GU-24 prong base, not the traditional screw in base = more money). They had a receptacle to take the spent bulb, as it contains enough mercury to taint an entire water well and drinking supply from that well. Also the purchase of CFL and LED bulbs are sales tax free, so I saved a little in that area.

So be careful out there kids, and dispose of the empties properly.

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