Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Facebook Privacy

It is that time of year again when all the social paranoids on Facebook post the annual privacy rights paste on their Facebook wall denying Zuckerberg and company the use of anything they post on their walls.

You know it reads like this….
Due to the fact that Facebook has chosen to involve software that will allow the theft of my personal information, I state: at this date of January 4, 2015, in response to the new guidelines of Facebook, pursuant to articles L.111, 112 and 113 of the code of intellectual property, I declare that my rights are attached to all my personal data drawings, paintings, photos, video, texts etc. published on my profile and my page. For commercial use of the foregoing my written consent is required at all times. 

Those who read this text can do a copy/paste on their Facebook wall. This will allow them to place themselves under the protection of copyright. By this statement, I tell Facebook that it is strictly forbidden to disclose, copy, distribute, broadcast, or take any other action against me on the basis of this profile and or its content. The actions mentioned above also apply to employees, students, agents and or other personnel under the direction of Facebook. 

The content of my profile contains private information. The violation of my privacy is punishable by law (UCC 1-308 1-308 1-103 and the Rome Statute).

Facebook is now an open capital entity. All members are invited to publish a notice of this kind, or if they prefer, you can copy and paste this version.

If you have not published this statement at least once, you tacitly allow the use of elements such as your photos as well as the information contained in the profile update.

Relax people, I am sure that the half billion cat photos and the several million duck faces are exactly the things Zuckerberg is looking to pilfer without your permission and/or consent and use for his own. It is not like any of you have posted your bank accounts or exposed the nuclear launch codes.

Also, just because a company becomes publicly traded, it does not automatically exposes your private information. A lot of commercial banks are publicly traded and if the board of directors changes, your information is not made public, you are thinking of Home Depot, Target, or JP Morgan Chase, and those were hacked.

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