Monday, December 29, 2014

Handy Men

A few months ago, the flat screen started having issues turning on. At first it would take 3-4 minutes before powering on, then a bit longer, until sometimes it was taking well over an hour before it would power on. The TV was 4-5 years old, ancient in this day and age of throw away electronics, but still had an excellent picture, and the features still in demand by today's watchers.
It was replaced, but we did not immediately discard the ailing machine. After some research by my son and some time spent watching youtube videos, it was decided that it maybe repairable, and for not a lot money.

So we spent the money getting the proper tools (soldering iron, solder sucker, and of course, solder), we had the rest already. The research had led us to what parts were most likely needed, and those were ordered via the inter web, for a great price and were delivered expediently.

Now we were set to get this thing back from brink of the local transfer station. The TV was long past its warrantee, so breaking the seal was not voiding anything. Once opened up, it was obvious which part was bad and the information found on the web was accurate. We had gotten the right part and now all we had to do was replace it.

After reviewing the youtube video again, we removed and replaced the bad cap (capacitor), reassembled the cabinet and plugged it in. WOW, it worked!
We saved a lot, not only money, but the environment by keeping this out of a landfill somewhere, and it was a great bonding experience for my son and I. With a little mechanical skill, research skill, the right tools, anybody can fix anything.

So the next time something breaks, think about repairing it yourself, or having it done, before trashing it. My son and his roommate will be enjoying the pleasure of viewing 40 inches. He even has it connected to his computer so he can type papers from across the room.

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