Monday, December 29, 2014

Handy Men

A few months ago, the flat screen started having issues turning on. At first it would take 3-4 minutes before powering on, then a bit longer, until sometimes it was taking well over an hour before it would power on. The TV was 4-5 years old, ancient in this day and age of throw away electronics, but still had an excellent picture, and the features still in demand by today's watchers.
It was replaced, but we did not immediately discard the ailing machine. After some research by my son and some time spent watching youtube videos, it was decided that it maybe repairable, and for not a lot money.

So we spent the money getting the proper tools (soldering iron, solder sucker, and of course, solder), we had the rest already. The research had led us to what parts were most likely needed, and those were ordered via the inter web, for a great price and were delivered expediently.

Now we were set to get this thing back from brink of the local transfer station. The TV was long past its warrantee, so breaking the seal was not voiding anything. Once opened up, it was obvious which part was bad and the information found on the web was accurate. We had gotten the right part and now all we had to do was replace it.

After reviewing the youtube video again, we removed and replaced the bad cap (capacitor), reassembled the cabinet and plugged it in. WOW, it worked!
We saved a lot, not only money, but the environment by keeping this out of a landfill somewhere, and it was a great bonding experience for my son and I. With a little mechanical skill, research skill, the right tools, anybody can fix anything.

So the next time something breaks, think about repairing it yourself, or having it done, before trashing it. My son and his roommate will be enjoying the pleasure of viewing 40 inches. He even has it connected to his computer so he can type papers from across the room.

Sunday, December 28, 2014

The Year in Review 2014

As 2014 wraps up, I want to go over what has happened, what I learned, and/or what did not happen or I did not learn (actually I can't go over what I did not learn as I probably not aware of that), so in no particular order here it is….

  • I started this blog. I was not sure if I could write well enough, write enough, and have anyone follow my gibberish. Still don't think I write well enough, and probably I do not write enough, but at least I am following through with it and I have a very small following.
  • I also started a handle bar mustache, which I have wrote about numerous times in this blog. I kind of did it as a New Year's resolution, and it has lasted the whole year.
  • I am also approaching the one year date of my divorce. I am not sure how I feel about that, but it is still a civil relationship and the kids are doing fine, and that is what is important. You can outgrow or grow apart from someone and it is alright and still maintain a relationship.
  • I had two major surgeries on my kidneys and have recovered from them both. Only the good die young or so I have been told.
  • I am back to having short hair.
  • I turned 50, I still have my hair, it is not even starting to recede nor turned grey. The rest of the body is aware that it is 50.
  • I still enjoy wearing a kilt and I have lots of responses to the obvious questions, some of them quite witty.

  • Robin Williams committed suicide. It affected me deeply and made me more aware of mental illness and it effects.
  • Grand juries no longer work under the law, two decisions in particularly have demonstrated this with the Darren Wilson and Daniel Pantaleo decisions. No matter what the evidence and witnesses say.
  • Civil rights has taken a step backward, or maybe it never advanced and it is just back in the closet again or maybe the racists are out of the closet.
  • You can skip paying your taxes and arm yourself against the government and that is ok. If you sell untaxed cigarettes, they will kill you in the streets.
  • Voters are stupid and can be bought, and elections do not matter. Proven by the way people do not bother to show up to vote.
  • This was a bad year for movies, with the award season coming up, I can not think of one movie that blew anyone away.
  • ACA was a success, in spite of how those opposed tried to squash it. The 'job creators' were required to provide coverage and still kept or hired workers.
  • The economy continues to rebound. The Party of No still has not passed a budget, a jobs bill, increased minimum wage, or done anything to help this country, including helping the veterans they created.
  • Drinking water and voting are not for all citizens.
  • People care more about a genetic disease then what is in their food and will waste water and energy raising money for it. And then shame people into becoming zombies and following their "moralistic" ideals.
  • Americans care more about their rights then they do about human life. (Of course I have known this for a while, not just this year.) Everyone becomes a constitutional law expert about this. 
  • It has been two years since Sandy Hook and we have had an average of a school shooting per week since then.
  • Parents are more concerned about how their kids are taught math then they are in keeping them safe in school.
  • Industry leaders have more knowledge of science and engineering then scientists and engineers.
  • The average person (even those that claim they are above average) still does not understand Climate Change and/or Common Core, but this is also not something new to me, just still dumbfounded that people still don't get it. 
  • More people are interested in Kim Kardashian's ass, then of anything else of substance. (double entendre intended)
  • Lionel Messi still can not perform in the big game (neither can Kershaw and P. Manning), more people care about a has been shortstop then anyone else in baseball, and the behavior of those that play in the NFL warrant more attention from Congress then the passing of any bills.
  • We can investigate the death of 4 Americans protecting an embassy after budget cuts to security, get the same result each time, but continue to call for another investigation. I think Mark Twain is credited with a quote about this. How does it go again?
  • History repeats itself, constantly….
  • Musically, I know I will be "happy" to "shake it off" because "it is about that bass" to get these ear worms to of my head.
  • We have a pope finally that cares about the people and is actually a humanist first and a religious leader second.
  • It rains in California.
  • Torture is a way of life in America. People are more upset with a movie being cancelled then how we treat others.
  • Any kind of publicity is good. Just ask the makers of the movie, "The Interview".

What the future hopefully will be and possible resolutions
  • The economy will continue to get better.
  • People will but their difference aside (one can only hope, right?).
  • My HBM will be the envy of everyone, as I continue to grow and groom it.
  • History will stop repeating itself, or at least take some time off of repeating itself.
  • The sports teams I support have better seasons, one championship would not hurt anyone.
  • Ok, so I really do not have a resolution for 2015, besides it will hard to top last years.

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

My Wish

Celebrations and Victories

Celebrations/Victories are fun.

Yesterday I completed something that was loooong over due, and then had the satisfaction to see that the work paid off. I then awarded myself with a nice cigar for my success, as I often do.

I am lucky in that I work part-time in the cigar industry, and get to celebrate victory on a regular basis. (Every time I go to the shop I have a cigar.) Do not hate, I just get to work in one of my hobbies and that is a victory itself, so why shouldn't I celebrate every time?

Others will celebrate in other ways, we each have our own delight in how we mark accomplishment. Maybe a special treat like a fancy coffee, some chocolate, a new piece of clothing, a good meal, or a nap, whatever, we all mark victories in some way.

Indulgence is a very human thing, while other animals have been noted to let the preverbal hair down and relax, it is much more a homo sapient thing. Is it our 'superior' brains that want us to indulge? That we are on top of the food chain and/or have lost that 24/7 drive to survive? Have we evolved enough to  have this need? All valid questions in my opinion and probably all have answers, but when we have arrived at that conclusion we will just squander it away in some celebration.

It is the season of celebrations, so be careful out there and enjoy!

Monday, December 15, 2014

Hollywood "Standard" Formula

My daughter watches the Disney shows (sit-coms) that revolve around family. Some of you may know the ones I am referring to; 'Dog with a Blog', 'Good Luck Charlie', 'Girl meets World', etc…
They all are based of the same formula/stereotypes. All of them require the following; three kids, sometimes more or less with a best friend extra that is always hanging around, but three is what is needed to for the basic formula in having a dumb one, a smart one and a weird one. This formula bleeds past the Disney gates and can be seen in many primetime sit-coms as well (see Home Improvement, Family Ties, Modern Family, Full House, etc.). Next you have to add in the mother figure, she has to have no cooking skills, complain about the cleanliness of an immaculate kept house, and always be dressed flawlessly in the latest greatest designs. I say mother figure because of the shows Full House and The Nanny. Are following me so far?

Now we come to the stereotype that bothers me the most….The Dad.

To be a sit-com dad, you have to be stupid, boring, and don't get enough sex. He will work a boring job like sales, handyman, or psychologist.  The wife is always much smarter than him, even in the Cosby Show this was done. He is clueless on how to do anything around the house or how to take care of kids, especially if left alone with them. And he needs a never ending supply of jokes about how he never gets enough sex.

As a father, I do not consider myself dense, I enjoy spending time with my kids and know how to take care of them, have fun with them, and can do work around the house.

By the way this formula can also be used in other sit-coms, think about the components and apply them to shows like Friends, (Example; Smart- Chandler and Monica, Dumb- Rachel and Joey, Weird- Ross and Pheobe), Seinfield, How I Met Your Mother, Big Bang Theory, and Two and a Half Men.

As a bonus, you can toss in that quirky neighbor/relative as a source of peripheral entertainment. (See Bewitched, Simpsons, Everyone loves Raymond, and of course the shows I previously mentioned above and more)

Sorry if I have ruined the way you watch television, but at least you have something to think about and watch for.

Shakespeare was right….

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Here's your Christmas Card

As the Holidays quickly approach, I thought of doing holiday cards and mailing them out, but when I took a moment to think about it, and all that had to be done, I decided to do it as part of my blog and then tag everyone on Facebook. Not only is it a time saving in trying to gather everyone's addresses, it is more economical, environmentally sound, and will allow me to get a card to more people. So here you go…

So now I suppose you are also expecting the traditional enclosed letter of everything that is going on and how life is just peachy keen. So without further ado…


2014 has been...

  • Yadda, yadda, yadda…..
  • Blah, blah, blah…..and
  • Nana nana boo boo.
Happy Chanukah Xmas Kwanzaa Year!!!


PS- I just figured out this is a great way to generate traffic for my blog, so be on the look out for my the year in review post.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Beware of Bananas

In addition to being phallic and causing hair growth over the entire body….

  • Every banana you eat brings you nearer to death.
  • Nearly all sick people have eaten bananas, obviously, the effects are cumulative.
  • An estimated 99.9% of all people who die from cancer and heart disease have eaten bananas.
  • 99.9% of people involved in car accidents ate bananas within 60 days of their accidents.
  • 93.1% of juvenile delinquents come from homes where bananas are provided regularly.
  • Banana eaters born between 1920 and 1950 have been noted to have wrinkled skin, brittle bones and failing eyesight.
  • And lastly, among the people born in 1879 who later dined on bananas, there has been a 100% mortality rate.

Now don't get me started on cumquats…..

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

TV Network Idea

With increasing number of law enforcement shooting and killing unarmed citizens, there is a move to fit  police with body cameras. I support this for everyone's safety.

But the cost of outfitting and maintaining cameras for police will be costly and the 'tax hawks' will have none of this, so I propose that we have a TV network similar to the NFL Redzone. It would be on 24/7 and when a "situation" arises somewhere in the country, we get live look ins from the body cameras. Charging for subscriptions to view and ads in banners along the bottom as a way to generate revenue that could be used to offset the cost of the cameras.

Of course there would be commentators, maybe some retired cops to provide color, a former victim as an opposing view, maybe a lawyer or two to debate the legal action of all involved. Soon interactive voting by text/tweeting/up-voting will be added (current rates and charges apply of course).

This would be no different then the instagrams/tweets that deliver what is going on in the world today. Let me know what you think and if you want to help put together the proposal.