Thursday, June 29, 2017

It Is Not About The Game

I was working out with a friend today and he mentioned that he went to a Red Sox game the other day, but no one goes to watch the game anymore. He noted that he spent more time letting people in and out of the row and their seats and that people spent more time wandering around the ball park then they did actually watching the game.
I have gone to a couple games (not Red sox) this season and thinking back on my experiences, I have to say he is right. People spend more time going in and out of your row and you spend more time accommodating them while they are going and coming then you do watching the game, and I still go to watch the games.

I guess it is more of a "I went to the game, see I checked in on __________________ (fill in either FaceBook, Twitter, Instagram and yes now even Linkedin)." So everyone can see that you attended and here is a quick selfie to prove it....anyone want anything from the concession stand/swag store? Or lets go to the kids play zone...or better yet, let me talk on my cell phone and annoy everyone around me, while going back and forth to where ever...

I guess it is about the memories and not about the game (quick check the score on your cell phone on the way out in case anyone asks what it was.)

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