Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Star Wars Movie Rankings (No Spoilers)

Having seen the newest episode, here is my new rankings...

  1. Episode 6 Return of the Jedi
  2. Episode 4 A New Hope
  3. Episode 7 The Force Awakens
  4. Episode 8 The Last Jedi
  5. Episode 5 The Empire Strikes Back
  6. Episode 3 Revenge of the Sith
  7. Episode 2 Attack of the Clones
  8. Episode 1 The Phantom Menace
Now Rogue One is a side story and I would put it between the 4th and 5th spots of this current ranking.

Monday, December 11, 2017

Bring on the Biblical Floods

I am by no means a religious man, nothing I have seen has ever convinced that a god exists and has done anything for man. If something ever happens to prove the existence of a god(s), I will reevaluate at the time. But for now I remain a man of science.
But maybe it is time for any god to show its hand and bring back the floods. You know the one, that supposedly cleansed the planet of all sin, yes that one. 

Looking around the world and what is happening currently, now would be the time to eradicate the earth of its sins and sinners. The politicos and their ill regard to people, the surge of sexual predators being exposed, the average man's disrespect for the planet. 

Maybe some are right and we need not heed the climate change, let the seas rise and wash the land of the Gula, Luxuria/Fornicatio, Avaritia, Superbia, Tristitia, Vanagloria, Ira, and Acedia. (And why do they call them the seven deadly sins when there are eight?)

I am sure the world has been this way forever, just now the cesspool has gotten full and the lid has floated off it and we are being exposed to the shit mess we have made. Some maybe enjoying the fertilizer, but to many the smell has become unbearable.

Here is to an appearance of a higher power, now would be the time to prove an existence...

Sunday, December 3, 2017

Colorado-isms Part 2

So last year when I travel west to see my daughter I did a blog about the various quirks I noticed of being in a different region and the people that live there. The following is a continuation and update of that first post.

  • I meet a lot of people that live there now, but are not from there originally, including a lot of New Englanders
  • I was picked out from not being a local for my vernacular and colloquialisms...use of 'wicked', and few other nor'eastern terms.
  • I got to have a rare brew to find that is brewed in CT while I was in Colorado.
  • My beard is now long enough to be accepted as a local, I know this because of the eye contact and head nod of approval from other bearded humans.
  • I still have not seen any big horned sheep.
  • The locals panic when they have no snow.
  • The country roads in the mountains are scary, they are twisty and turny, narrow, and have no guard rails.
  • My beard likes the climate there better, as I needed less to keep it manageable. 
  • Buffalo and elk are delicious.
Until next time...

Questions on Net Neutrality

As this great country just fucked over the tax payers  with 'new' tax cuts, we now face the 'leadership' of this country's next bigly move...net neutrality.

I have few questions...

If the interwebz is broken down and we are going to be charged for various packages of usage, how am I expected to pay bills? For the last several years I have been forced to electronically pay my bills online, instead of mailing a check or physically showing up and paying. Will I have to pay extra to have connection to pay my bills?

I do a majority of my banking online, will I have to pay extra for access to my own money? Bad enough we have to pay ATM fees to use our money.

Also, most of us file our taxes online, will we have to pay extra for services in order to give the government our money?

Anyone know the answers to all of this? Has anyone (including the 'geniuses') behind this thought this out?

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Low Battery

So the other day my cell phone started to lose power more rapidly each day, going through about half of it's life in about 8 hours. It is approaching about 18 months in age so I figured the battery was just getting tired and I may need to think about replacing it.
Yesterday, it went through half of it's charge in about 3 hours and I knew it was a definite sign that it needed to be replaced and soon as I have some travel coming up.

When I got home a quick interwebz search suggested that I check for updates first before replacing the battery. Sure enough a new update was available (released just a week or so prior). Following the instructions, I performed the dreaded software update and switched to a brand new OS for my phone (an Android).

After the upload (or download), I let the phone charge to 100%. Worked a full day and the phone has been off the charger for 10+ hours and I have only used 12% the charge...so for now a replacement does seem necessary.

Now here is my thought...are cell phones becoming sentient? Did it know it needed to be "re-educated?" Or are the manufacturers (and or carriers) pinging our devices to make them run poorly, so that we do the updates? Someone is controlling us....and it is unsettling.

No real issues with the new OS, but trying to get used to the "subtle" changes (improvements according to the developer).

Wednesday, October 25, 2017


So in the last week or so, in conversation, the concept of "friendship" has come up. Weird, yes.
One of the conversations was that neither of us had a best friend. We have many many friends, but not that "best" friend. Neither of us were concerned about it, and knew there are people we can rely on to help us out if needed, but we don't have that confidant who we need to bounce ideas or share intimate/secret stuff with. After a short discussion we were sure we do not need that confidant.

Another conversation was around that I do not have a girlfriend, even though they thought I did. (I found this really funny, but anyway.) Once again I do not feel as if I need a girlfriend in my life right now (long list of reasons for this, which I will not go into here). After my divorce and the adjustment to being me again, I discovered I like being me. Maybe that is why I don't have a best friend, I like being me (and others can not handle that).

The last conversation revolves around my daughter, and that she does not have a best friend (currently). She has had one or two in the past, but for reasons beyond her control (moves, new school, etc...) distance has put a damper on those relationships. She has friends she hangs out through common interest and/or school, but not that confidant. Being in middle school this can be tough and she does feel she is left out of things because she does not run with any squad (I think that is what they call it now), partly because she is not a follower and does her own thing, and does not care what others think about it. Her mother and I have always instilled this in both of our children, so I guess...but there is nothing wrong in that. Maybe this also why I don't have a best friend...and I have passed this onto my children, so sorry or your welcome, not sure which is correct.

So here is to friendship, whatever that may be...

BTW, I do have many friends that have the same warped twisted sarcastic bent thought structure that I have and many that I have numerous common interests with and I am far from being lonely.

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Eye Halve a Spelling Checker

<Not mine, but brilliant>

I halve a spelling checker
It came with my pea sea
It plainly marcs four my revue
Miss steaks eye kin knot sea.
Eye strike a key and type a word
And weight four it two say
Weather eye am wrong oar write
It shows me strait a weigh
As soon as a mist ache is maid
It nose bee fore two long
And eye can put the error rite
Its rare lea ever wrong
Eye have run this poem threw it
I am shore your please to no
Its letter perfect awl the weigh
My checker tolled me sew.

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

USMNT:6 Year Hiatus

The US Mens National Team (USMNT) has some time to think about why they did not qualify for the world cup, especially the controlling powers (U.S. Soccer).

Many are already pointing fingers and coming up with lame excuses of why... everything from Klinsmann to weak youth program. So here is my take on why it failed and what others are saying is dead wrong.
Lets start with the youth program...no, our youth program is not failing us on the international level. Our strong women's program is evidence of that, as they win at all levels and are dominant year in year out. We are sending some of our best to play around the world during their development years.

Klinsmann killed the team...this is the most laughable excuse out there, here is a man that has won at all levels as a player and as a coach. Probably understands the game more than anyone in this country.  Klinsmann was building toward a youth movement and was patiently developing players and pushing the older past their prime players out the door. But U.S. Soccer did not like his plan so he was ousted.

Arenas killed USMNT, he killed it the first time he was coach and left it in the hands of Bob Bradley, and he just killed it again. Arenas does not have the knowledge to win at the top level and just tries to fill seats using MLS stars. He starts first time players in their late 20s, instead of younger players with a future in front of them. Look at soccer around the world, most of the top players are on the down side of their career at 26-27 years old. The whole reason professional teams recruit and train players in their early teens is so they have them at their prime in their early 20s, it is the nature of the game.

Bradley killed USMNT, both father and son. They are both horrible and should not have been given the power that they have had. Neither of them can win at any level.

Television killed USMNT. You could not watch their games unless you had special television packages. How do you garner support for any team, in any sport, without the proper media coverage. Television drove away the fan base.

So how do we solve this (and we have 6 years to figure it out)? Follow the Klinsmann plan and invest in our youth, forget the Donovans, the Dempseys, the Bradleys. Get rid of Arenas and everyone every associated with him. Go out and find your next Pulisic, Yedlin, put your money in the U-17 and U-18 teams. Those players are the ones that will carry you into the next World Cup

Monday, October 2, 2017

Talk About No Respect

So, I am seeing the American Flag being flown at half-staff. A quick search on the interwebz says it is for the victims of the Route 91 Harvest Fest in Las Vegas. My question is why...
Was a ranking government official killed?  Were US soldiers killed in the line of duty? National holiday of remembrance?


Our so-called president ordered it. The same fucking moron that spent the last 10+ days spreading vitriol about NFL players and their "lack" of respect for the flag, this country and veterans. Now he orders this disrespect, thinking he is uniting the country. Anyone with an ounce of intelligence knows this is just another ploy to stroke his ego and more pandering to his base.

I know some will say that there were veterans possible killed (and wounded) is this mass shooting, but they did not give their life in the line of duty.

So, I am offended by this lack of respect and disregard to those that have served this country.

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Another Addition of Brain Smatterings

I had a conversation with a fellow blogger and she reminded me that I have not been blogging enough, so here is a conglomerate of things rattle around in my head...(I hope you are happy)

  • HBM and Beard update: still have both, just trimmed everything even though I want it all longer and better. Just started to wax the 'stache again, even did a new run of homemade wax. Beard is now long enough that I really have to pay attention when eating food that requires no utensils or I am eating the beard too
  • Frustrated with getting communication established with my daughter's school. I may be separated by distance, but that does not mean I am not active in her life. Do your job, because I am definitely going to try my best to make you do it.
  • The country I am living in is going down fast, we have no strong leadership, and they are supported by people that are not awake enough to see what is happening. 
  • Racism and bigotry is still alive, it is just now out of the closet once again. And I have friends that want to defend it via the 1st amendment. Maybe you people need to also look at the 5th and STFU, just saying...
  • I bought a bicycle. This summer I have made a valiant effort of getting back into shape, round is a shape BTW, and have been good about getting out and exercising. I have tried running, but the knees are just not into it (too many years of officiating and long seasons of plate work), add in that I am over weight and old (once again too many years of plate work). So let me see if I remember how to ride a bike...what is that old colloquial?
'Nuff for now, until next time...

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Looking for a Vehicle

So I am in need of a vehicle, and I have looked at several different ones that fit my needs and wants. With this in mind, it has moved me toward several, a used Mini Cooper; small, semi-efficient and sporty, a Toyota 4Runner; utilitarian and less efficient, and Mercedes wagon; I like wagons and these come in 4matic regularly.

The Mini Cooper
 Probably the most unreasonable choice on the list currently, but hey why not... I actually went and drove one to see if I could fit into one and was surprised on the amount of room on the inside. The real issue of this car is it is a BMW product and has high maintenance needs and costs. The price of used ones are all over the map and the various needs of each vehicle is also scattered. If I decide to go this way, I would like a 6-speed (the automatics are notorious junk), non-S (the supercharged ones are also notorious junk) and in the Clubman model (I said I like wagons). Preferably in a neutral color like British Racing Green, Quicksilver, or Bright Red. Almost pulled the trigger on a Spicy Orange one, just could not do the color.

The 4Runner
I have always loved these vehicles, and this probably fits my present need the most, roomy, ok gas mileage, great for all weather, and built to go for ever. Not many available but at least they are all around the same price for the same miles and features on them. The interiors tend to go on these first, so I would have to over look that...also looked at a couple Land Cruisers by Toyota (the bigger brother of the 4runner), but the gas bill would kill my monthly budget.

Mercedes Wagon
Talking to my trusted mechanic, this was his suggestion. He advised me to stay away from Audis (love), BMWs(hate), and Saabs(owned 5 but they are getting hard to find parts for and people to work on them). The 'cedes cars go for ever with a little regular maintenance and it does have a certain class and prestige to it. I almost bought one before when I went into a Volvo XC wagon, but it was all white (outside and inside) and I had kids and dogs, so no. The problem is finding one on the market, people keep this family wagon because they go forever, so why get rid of it. They also come in almost all neutral colors like black, dark blue, dark green, and silver, never seen any in crazy colors like Spicy Orange.

Well, back to hunting...

Sunday, July 23, 2017

The Resiliency of Nature

The mighty oak.

Like most of northeastern CT, my yard was infested with Gypsy caterpillars (and moths). They stripped the large oak in my front yard. Many of the caterpillars got the fungus that let to some dying off, the rest of the eggs laid I took care of with the pressure washer.

During their hay day, I had to endure the frass (caterpillar shit) on my car, driveway and walkway. But that too has passed.

The oak tree looked devastated, but in just a few short weeks and a fair amount of rain, the tree is back to its mid-summer glory and fully leafed again (yeah, I get to rake leaves this fall!).

Nature is still the most powerful force know to man.

Thursday, June 29, 2017

It Is Not About The Game

I was working out with a friend today and he mentioned that he went to a Red Sox game the other day, but no one goes to watch the game anymore. He noted that he spent more time letting people in and out of the row and their seats and that people spent more time wandering around the ball park then they did actually watching the game.
I have gone to a couple games (not Red sox) this season and thinking back on my experiences, I have to say he is right. People spend more time going in and out of your row and you spend more time accommodating them while they are going and coming then you do watching the game, and I still go to watch the games.

I guess it is more of a "I went to the game, see I checked in on __________________ (fill in either FaceBook, Twitter, Instagram and yes now even Linkedin)." So everyone can see that you attended and here is a quick selfie to prove it....anyone want anything from the concession stand/swag store? Or lets go to the kids play zone...or better yet, let me talk on my cell phone and annoy everyone around me, while going back and forth to where ever...

I guess it is about the memories and not about the game (quick check the score on your cell phone on the way out in case anyone asks what it was.)

Sunday, May 28, 2017

Stupid Words

There are a number of words that are making or have made their way into the daily vernacular. I think they should be vanquished from use immediately.

The first word is "sammich," a version of the word sandwich. Using this word just makes you sound under educated and in need of a good speech pathologists.

The second word is "hangry." Like 'sammich' this word also makes you sound under educated. I guess if you don't get you 'sammich' you get 'hangry.'

Next word is "bae." This is supposed to be a term of endearment. I guess you are too lazy to say the second "B" in the word babe. This now demonstrates that you are lazy enough to not bother with one letter in a four letter word, how much effort are you actually putting into the relationship.

"Coo." Similar to 'bae' in that you are too lazy to say one letter in a four letter word.

"Noob," I guess you are 'noob' if you use any of these words.

There are other words that just need to be stopped in conversation like "Swag" and  "Yolo," 'literally' is just plain used wrong and people need to use it correctly.

The one that absolutely needs to erased from our language is "Anywho." What does that even mean? What does it even represent? It is just plain weird.

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Old School versus New School

Many of my generation, and the generations on either side of me, speak poorly of the kids today. How they have it easy, they don't know what it is like to work hard, everyone gets a trophy, back in the day...blah, blah, blah.
Working with today's youth and having kids myself, I can honestly say we are wrong and wrong on many levels.

I sit and listen to the discussions going on today amongst kids, I do not remember having conversations with my classmates about our ADD, ADHD, OCD, or ODD. Yea, sure they were not diagnosing students a lot back in the day with any of this, but doesn't mean it did exist, just look around at your friends now (I will wait, but not for long, hey look a cat, anyone want to go for coffee?).

Next we bombard our students with multimedia presentations, iPad research, and other electronic gizmos during the day, then preach that they need to cut back on screen time as they are sent home with a couple hours of homework that needs to be submitted electronically via Powerschool, Study Island, or Google Classroom. Is anyone else noticing this or is it just me?
Then we have the cojones to say that students get participation awards and every kids get a prize, etc.... But who is handing out these senseless awards? We are...is anyone else noticing this or is it just me?

Now add in the massive extra-curricular activities we place our kids in, playing chauffeur, from school soccer to rec league to premier league to travel team....don't forget they need to fit in a music or art class and the weekend horse riding lesson, because we want them well balanced. All the while, sitting on the sidelines and telling what needs to be done instead of letting them listen to their coaches and instructors...is anyone else noticing this or is it just me?

Yep they have it easy...is anyone else not noticing this or is it just me?

Addendum: Lets not allow them a choice when they can go to the bathroom or get a drink, but wait until they are 17 and demand they make a decision on where they want to go to school and what they want for a career (and be smart about it, damn it).

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Pipes and Beards

A few months ago, a question on a page I follow on FaceBook asked why do a lot of pipe smokers have beards? There were various answers and conversations bantered about. I noticed that a good part of the members of the local pipe club I am active with, have beards or some sort of facial hair.
I have been thinking about this and decided to express my own reasoning.

A beard will pick up scents from the environment, mine does all the time, but I don't go smelling it looking for any lingering aroma from smoking my pipe (that is just weird in my opinion). In fact I wash my beard daily (sometimes more than that) so that it does not have any residual odors, aside from the fragrance of my Castile soap.

Beards are associated with manliness and I guess pipe smoking is too. So I guess smoking a pipe and having facial hair is an increased sign of pure manhood in some odd equation. But again, I do not have or do either to be more of a man.

Beards and pipes are on a resurgence with the 'hipster' movement, but then again, I do not consider myself a 'hipster.' There is the Tolkienians (spelling?) and the wizard thing, but still not my thing. The swarthy sea captain would be the next stereotype, maybe an distant imagine for me, but I don't own a boat (but it is in my Irish roots).

I guess the reasoning that fits closest to me would be the intellectual (psuedo or not) connection. You know, the bearded professor type that smokes a pipe. When asked a question, it is relaxing to take a sip from the pipe, clench it in your teeth, and lightly stroke the beard before answering. Usually nothing profound because I am not that good, but at least I can pretend it is going to be a worthy thought out response.
So, why do others have a beard and enjoy a pipe at the same time? I don't know, why don't you ask them, I sure they will have an answer.

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Milestones and Updates

It has been a while since I have done a milestones post, so here is a short synopsis of the stats of this blog and of course what is going on with the facial hair...

  • 200+ posts, 4500+ views in 3+ years
  • I recently trimmed over an inch off the beard, while I can still wax into a handlebar, I rarely do currently.
That is it for now.

Monday, April 10, 2017

Today's Gun Culture

I am not going into a huge rant here on the 2nd Amendment, but just want to point out the issue that many hardcore alt-righters have with gun control.
As I write this, there is a man loose in this country that has written a 160 page manifesto against the government and then robbed a gun store in Wisconsin. Does the manifesto bother me...no, not really. Does the robbing of the gun store bother me...a little, but as a society we have not figured out how to stop crime so this will continue to happen.

My big issue (and the true crime here) is that the store that was robbed, does not have an accurate inventory of what was taken. He took a dozen guns (which were inventoried), a bullet proof vest and helmet (why are these available) and possibly (POSSIBLY) some suppressors...the suppressors were not inventoried and they (authorities and store owners) are not even sure how many were taken...seriously?


If you want to own a gun, go get a license and registration, and own a gun. If you want to own a "bad-ass" gun, go get the extra license, registration, and own a "bad-ass" gun. It is not rocket science, it is public safety.

Gun control to me is having a thorough vetting process, a working registry, and sensible laws. That is all, if you want to play with bad-ass guns, go through the proper channels. If you want a gun that is not going to wake the neighbors when you shoot your spouse in a heated argument, go through the proper channels. If you need a gun that holds 20-rounds of ammunition for sport shooting (hunting), because you are that bad a shot, go through the proper channels. If you need a weapon that shoots numerous rounds per millisecond (because you don't like taking viagra), go through the proper channels.

Have a wonderful day and safeties on people.

Monday, March 20, 2017

Tax Analogy

So, I have seen the meme above done a number of ways, the first several dozen times I thought it was a lousy lesson and was not based in reality. But then I got to thinking and it hit me that there is a very brilliant lesson in this, so here it is...

First of all, no one really pays 30% in taxes, that is just a propaganda point used by the fiscal conservatives, the rich, and corporations to inflame the argument that they need tax relief. But we will leave that alone and talk just about taxation and its purpose.

Yes, eating 30% of your kids ice cream can teach them an in depth lesson of taxation and its purpose, just don't end with the lesson with only losing several bites or licks of ice cream. Tell them where that ice cream is going. That the lose of ice cream went to offset the transport (infrastructure) to the creamery, another part went to protection of getting them to and fro safely (civil law), and still more of that went to providing clean water, air, and the FDA (make sure that ice cream is safe). Still more parts of that taxation went to utilities (need to keep it at the right temperature).

Next, extent the lesson to construct of money, and that you (the government) created and backs the value of the ice cream. Yes, it was awarded to them for something they may have earned (through chores, grades, sports, arts, etc...), but none of that would have been possible without an education and once again that costs ice cream which needs to be collect through taxation.

A truly enjoyable lesson for all, now go buy your kid some ice cream...

Friday, February 24, 2017

The Return of the Word 'Retard'

Let me apologize up front, as many will take offense to the word 'retard'. I too, take offense when it is used in reference to people with disabilities. I have family members that are disabled and have been called 'retarded'. Our current president used it during his campaign, and I, along with many others, was offended.

This word is going to make a resurgence in the fact that the current leadership of this country has an issue in being retarded. The current administration and its followers are retarded. In the fact that they are rehashing and re-instituting programs and policy with know documented failures. The leadership and its supporters are demonstrating a retarded approach to running this country. Because of that they are retards, plain and simple.

The following is a short list of the retarded moves they have or are making:
  • education policy and the direction of the cabinet
  • environmental policy and the direction of the cabinet
  • economic policy and the direction of the administration
  • the relaxation of background checks for gun ownership
  • the handling of intelligence and the nuclear codes
I would go into details about each and all of these listed above, but the ones that need to understand, can't understand and those that do understand need no explanation. They do not get that their thought policy is retarded. They will continue to make the same bad decisions over and over, never taking a lesson away from their mistakes, sad when you really think about it.

So if you see me or others like me using the word 'retard' it is not towards or intended for those with disabilities, unless you think voting for and supporting Trump is a disability...

<btw, I like fucktard way more, but some will find the word fuck more offensive>

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Let Me Guess: The Republicans Replacement Plan for ACA

The republicans have been trying to repeal the American Care Act since it was passed (60+ times in fact). Now that they have control and have already started with some rushed executive orders, they will most likely succeed. Of course they are saying that they will have a "better" plan to replace it and they will probably spin and sell a plan that everyone will believe is in everyone's best interest.

Here is what I believe they will give the American people and the republican supporters will think it is great...Annual rebates, yep that is their plan, everyone will get $750 (per person in your household). You will be able to use this money towards any health plan of your choice, and since there is no requirement to have health coverage you can do anything you want with the money (maybe that new upgrade on a few kitchen appliances, a new gun for the collection, pay off the holiday purchases on the credit card, maybe a nice long and well deserved weekend away), whatever the skies the limit.

Now lets look at the cost of this masterful plan and what it will all cost. Currently the approximate number of people that "were" forced into the healthcare marketplace is about 47 million. The number of people that still get healthcare from their employer is about 150 million. The total number of people in the Medicare and Veteran's systems is about 105 million. Adding that all up is around 302 million and about 20 million unaccounted for still in the US population.

So 302,000,000 times $750 is 226.5 billion dollars in refund monies. But lets be realistic about this, everyone knows that the republicans are not going to give rebates to those on Medicare and Veterans, so we can take that 105 million out of the equation, lowering the cost of the rebates to $147.75 billion. That is still higher than the projected average of $22 billion per year that the current system cost. Now we could lower the cost of the replacement plan by another $112.5 billion by not giving a rebate to those that get health insurance through their employer, this would bring the cost of the rebate program down to $35.25 billion. But those 150 million that get health insurance through their employer are hard working and deserve the rebates too, so we will leave that in, it is only fair...

So the $147.75B that will be added into the annual budget is so much better than the current $22B....now add the cost the government will have to cover for the uninsured that now come through the medical system because insurance is no longer a requirement...

Saturday, January 21, 2017

What if the World Lost Oxygen for 5 Seconds

What if the world lost oxygen for just 5 seconds....

  • Everyone at the beach would immediately get sunburn (even though there would be no beach, no sand, and no water), because molecular oxygen in the air protects our skin against UV light.
  • The daytime sky would get dark, fewer particles to bounce light means a dark almost black sky.
  • All pieces of untreated metal would instantly spot weld to each other, the only thing preventing metal from welding together on contact is a layer of oxidation.
  • The earth's crust would crumble, as oxygen makes up 45% of the earth's crust.
  • Everyone's inner ear would explode, because we would lose about 21% of the air pressure.
  • Buildings made of concrete would turn to dust, oxygen is an important binder in concrete.
  • Water is a third oxygen, without it hydrogen would turn into a gaseous state and expand in volume.
  • The oceans would evaporate and bleed into space.
  • Without oxygen, hydrogen is free to float to the upper troposphere and eventually into space.
To be positive, now, what if the amount of oxygen doubled...
  • Paper airplanes would fly further.
  • We would get better gas mileage.
  • Extra oxygen would improve our cognition, alertness, and physical performance.
(Also, there would be giant insects, as an insect's body size is determined by the proportion of oxygen in the atmosphere.)

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Warning: Sarcasm on the Rise

As I delve into this life style change (once again), I find myself getting more and more sarcastic.  SURPRISE! I guess it is a mechanism to vent my frustration and not harm anyone directly.
I was once told that sarcasm is a form of violence. So I apologize for the violence taken out against anyone that receives a torrent of sharp tongue retort or jest or just overt intellectually advance humor at one's expense....I imagine it will just get more intense until I find that balance, and then things will settle out....