Thursday, December 29, 2016

Yet Another New Year's Resolution

So I had another visit with my urologist today in the never ending battle to prevent kidney stones. My fluid intake and output are great, I need to maintain what I am doing in that area. I have lowered my sodium count, but it is not where she would like it, and the daily maintenance medication does not seem to be doing its job, so I no longer have to take that, good news right?

Well not really from my viewpoint. She would like me to cut out high purine foods from my diet which means mainly red meats (and of course the low sodium intake I am already doing). Oh Boy!

I am not the person that eats steaks and massive amounts of roast beasts, but I do love my burgers, all thick and juicy and loaded with various delectable toppings. I don't have to give them up entirely, but it has to stop as being part of my regular weekly diet.

So I will have to join everyone else and start a diet for the New Year. How mainstream...
It will be a resolution that I will have to keep for my own health. Unlike the HBM I started two years ago now, which I still have if I take the time to groom it. Add in exercise and I may lose some more weight. But it all seems so trendy...

So wish me luck...

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