Friday, November 11, 2016

How the Times have Changed

I have seen numerous post on social media and have had many conversations with people in the past few days, that we must accept Donald Trump as our president-elect. Hmmm, interesting...

"Give the guy a chance." 
"Just wait and see, you might be surprised."
"It is un-American to talk about a President like that."
"The 'people' have spoken (voted), you just have to deal with it."
"Whiny libtards, mad because because they didn't get their way."
and much much more (many too vile and rude to share)...

I find this extremely hypocritical, this is coming from many that eight years ago spoke out adamantly and very critically against the then president-elect Barack Obama, and then four years later spoke out again during his re-elect. In case anyone needs a reminder I have compiled a short list of quotes from these time periods.

"Americans, you get the government you deserve. And it pains me to say this, but American right now deserves Barack Obama. You deserve what you voted for. I know half the country didn't vote that way, but American deserves the government that they want and they deserve. Good luck with that." - Sean Hannity

"Buy guns, ammo, stock up on farmland because this president will destroy America or whatever."  - Glenn Beck

-President-elect Donald Trump after the re-election of President Barack Obam
The asking of personal boycotts to Democratic neighbors by Ron Paul aide Eric Dondero, the firing of 22 employees by a small business owner in Las Vegas because of 'taxes and regulations' Obama would instate. Ted Nugent calling the people that voted for Obama "pimps, whores, and welfare brats" on Twitter. The comparison of Obama to Hitler, Al-Qaeda, Ted Bundy, and more by Neal Boortz. David Gelernter declaring civil war in the National Review. I am sure with a quick search on Breitbart I could find many more examples of the hatred toward Obama, because it is currently spinning the negatives toward the people that speaking out against Trump without any remorse. I am not even including all the tweets that were posted by individuals after the '08 and '12 elections, and many are down right deplorable.

As to the out of control protests that are happening...anyone remember the the hundreds of Ole Miss students' violent outbreak and the racial epithets after Obama's election?

So, forgive me if I don't buy into the diatribe and feel the need to jump into the syncretism that everyone on the victor's side is clamoring for. The current president-elect has used a long list of words and actions to incite hatred through sexism, racism, bigotry, xenophobia, and misogyny. Not a word of acceptance from him during his running for the office, but overnight after an electoral win, we are supposed to sit and relax, and welcome him with open arms. Everyone cannot be serious? Now that he is going to be president all that has gone away? No more vitriol, no more instigation from the conservative base, everyone must place nice now, because they have said so... 

It is going to be an interesting four years...

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