Thursday, August 25, 2016

A Hidden Agenda

I am not a big believer in conspiracies or the theories that coincide with them, but every once and a while something pops into my head and makes me question what is really going on.
As I scroll through social media, I am bombarded with posts and memes about the astronomical prices associated with certain pharmaceuticals here in the US, latest is the EpiPen for allergic reactions.

This has set off a maelstrom of comparisons for a lot of other drugs and their costs here in the US in contrast to various other countries.

Many allopathic remedies here are two to seven times the cost in other countries, this has led me to thinking that there is a secret hidden agenda amongst the powers that control the corrupt free market in this country. That secret hidden agenda is to fight immigrants coming to this country for cheap medical care...

Now hear me out, please... There are many that believe all the "illegals" in this country come for "free" handouts including medical, so are the powers that be in the "free market" driving costs of medicines up to make the US unlivable for those that seek a better lifestyle, including the citizens already here (we are just collateral damage)? If medical is cheaper elsewhere, won't those seeking that flock to those elsewhere places? There have been crazier schemes put into action...

I am allergic to Vespidae stings, but I also have reaction issues to epinephrine, so I avoid the use of self field injections and have found that a simple homeopathic remedy works just as well and as quickly with no side reactions, that and a good nap and I am usually fine in a couple of hours...

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