Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Whose the #2?

These two scare me, children and most pets.
With the Hillz and the Trumpz the presumptive nominees for the respective parties, why hasn't either one of them announced or hinted at their running mate?

Trumpz is probably going with that element of surprise, and we all know how well that worked out for Ironsides McCain. We still can not get rid of that nightmare...I think he needs a political insider to gain the confidence of the party, but he doesn't listen and knows best, so it will be yuge...

The Hillz is another story, she needs a powerful partner. To rally the splintered party right now, it would be wise for her to join forces with Bernie or Warren, but we need to keep those two in the senate right now to counter and keep in check the establishment meat puppet that is the Hillz. O'Malley is way too smart to work for the Hillz and is not an establishment type. It would be a shame to waste and tarnish a young gun like Castro (although this would finish the Trumpz before the gates were even opened with the Latino vote) and tie him into the Hillz administration. So who does that leave...

  • Sherrod Brown, see O'Malley and the fact that he has openly said no way..
  • Corey Booker, see Castro, Sanders, Warren and O'Malley
  • Charlie Crist, this would attract some of the GOPers that are jumping ship, and solidify the Hillz as a traditional Dixiecrat.
  • Biden, too much friction in the past.
  • Bill Clinton....(hehehehe) also too smart for the Hillz.
  • Mark Warner, clean cut businessman, he is quiet, scandel free, this may work.
  • John Hickenlooper, too liberal for the party right now.
Any thoughts people, let me know.

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