Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Verizon: Gotta Love 'em Part 2

So I finally had a chance to follow up with my local Verizon store about the discontinuing of their email app. First, they had not heard anything and when I showed them the message they were just as surprised as I was. But they reassured me that switching to another app for email was probably a good thing anyways and since I used a Yahoo email address that the Yahoo app was great and I should just go ahead and use that one.

So Saturday I made the transition and it was seamless.......for about an hour. Then I started to receive intermittent non-stop text messages from Verizon (VZMMNM: followed by a number 0,1,2,3,4,5, or 6). This went on for three days. I searched on line how to stop messages and found a lot of similar advice, but could not find the drop down menu to disable what was happening.

Finally got back to the store and explained what was going on, and they were as dumbfounded as I was. Three calls later and 30 minutes on hold, they found a glitch in some setting on their end and the texts have stopped...so far. Fingers crossed.

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