Thursday, January 14, 2016

Stars Wars Observations (Warning: Small Spoiler Alert)

This has been kicking around in my head for a few weeks now. I have waited a fair amount of time in hopes that most that did not want any details (spoilers) of the new movie have had the chance to see it. If this is you and you have not seen the new installment, stop reading now.

So here are my thoughts...

  • I had always assumed that the story was being told through two robots, C3PO and R2D2. In Episode VII (Force Awakens), they are just cameos and not in the "mix" of things. JJ Abrams and the writers do introduce a new robot in Bb8 and have developed a new marketing star in the toy world. 
  • When did the Stormtroopers learn to shot accurately? They actually wreck havoc and bring about destruction in a small village. I do like that they have introduced females in the evil empire side, maybe they have brought an ounce of precision in the laser rifled troops.
  • Ok, this has bothered me for a while, in Episode IV (A New Hope), Obi Wan is introducing young Skywalker to the lightsaber and tells him that his father wanted him to have it. Really? When? Was it during the duel to near death on the volcanic planet of Mustafar? Did that vital exchange get left on the editing floor somewhere? Some how this story tidbit was dropped or forgotten, or did Obi Wan just lie? Jedi are supposed to be honorable.
  • Finn and Po Dameron are setting up to be a great buddy cop duo, and have the potential to be a great sub story. Lets hope they do this well in the future story.
  • Rey- tons of speculation surround this new character. What is her lineage? I do hope she is not related to either the Skywalkers or Solos. It would be too obvious and make for a dull formulaic storyline, mirroring earlier story lines in the series. Maybe a Obi Wan or Qui-gon Jinn tie in. It is a young Obi Wan that speaks to her when she first sees Luke's lightsaber. Also didn't Luke lose the lightsaber in Cloud City (a gas planet)?
  • One pissed off Wookiee, Han warned of making him mad. Maybe we will see the rage of a Kashyyyk. Maybe a cool fight scene between Chewy and Kylo, with Chewy delivering the lifeless body of Ben Solo back to his mother, General Organa. I have never seen the force used on a Wookiee, so not sure if a Jedi or Sith lord could handle a revengeful fur ball. I also assume that Ben/Kylo is not as powerful as he is the muggle equivalent in the Force world.
  • And what every happened to the Fett Family?
I sure more will arise as we continue this saga...

(I know there are many that are more in tune with the Star Wars Universe and probably have answers/speculations to some of my thoughts, so be kind.)

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