Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Random Mutterings Vol. 45, Issue 219 "Flakes"

As January 2016 comes to a close, I thought I would put out what is going through this simple mind. So here it is...

  • What would it be without a HBM update; the addition of the beard has been interesting. I can blend it in unwaxed for just a bearded look, and it still looks nice waxed and groomed. Grooming has a new twist as I have to pay attention to not wax and groom the adjacent beard into the mix, it feels weird and is a bit restricting.
  • The Donald is refusing to participate in a Fox News debate, stating that they will ask unfair questions. This leaves me to think that he will not be able to handle any kind of foreign policy that is associated with tough issues, or any difficult crisis for that matter.
  • The psuedo-Patriots that seized federal land in Oregon have been arrested with one being reported shot and killed. So far, I think they have gotten pretty easy treatment. A drone strike would have been easier and cleaner, and it would have sent the right message.
  • Speaking of Patriots, they lost in the AFC Championship game. Unfortunately I still have to listen to the fanboy base around me, the issue with this they all believe that professional football came into existence in 2000 with the Kraft/Belichick era. Yet they will be loudest criers about "band wagon" supporters for the Panthers.
  • Kids are still doing great, the oldest has just started his final semester in his undergraduate college career, and the youngest is still shining as usual.
Enough for now....

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Stars Wars Observations (Warning: Small Spoiler Alert)

This has been kicking around in my head for a few weeks now. I have waited a fair amount of time in hopes that most that did not want any details (spoilers) of the new movie have had the chance to see it. If this is you and you have not seen the new installment, stop reading now.

So here are my thoughts...

  • I had always assumed that the story was being told through two robots, C3PO and R2D2. In Episode VII (Force Awakens), they are just cameos and not in the "mix" of things. JJ Abrams and the writers do introduce a new robot in Bb8 and have developed a new marketing star in the toy world. 
  • When did the Stormtroopers learn to shot accurately? They actually wreck havoc and bring about destruction in a small village. I do like that they have introduced females in the evil empire side, maybe they have brought an ounce of precision in the laser rifled troops.
  • Ok, this has bothered me for a while, in Episode IV (A New Hope), Obi Wan is introducing young Skywalker to the lightsaber and tells him that his father wanted him to have it. Really? When? Was it during the duel to near death on the volcanic planet of Mustafar? Did that vital exchange get left on the editing floor somewhere? Some how this story tidbit was dropped or forgotten, or did Obi Wan just lie? Jedi are supposed to be honorable.
  • Finn and Po Dameron are setting up to be a great buddy cop duo, and have the potential to be a great sub story. Lets hope they do this well in the future story.
  • Rey- tons of speculation surround this new character. What is her lineage? I do hope she is not related to either the Skywalkers or Solos. It would be too obvious and make for a dull formulaic storyline, mirroring earlier story lines in the series. Maybe a Obi Wan or Qui-gon Jinn tie in. It is a young Obi Wan that speaks to her when she first sees Luke's lightsaber. Also didn't Luke lose the lightsaber in Cloud City (a gas planet)?
  • One pissed off Wookiee, Han warned of making him mad. Maybe we will see the rage of a Kashyyyk. Maybe a cool fight scene between Chewy and Kylo, with Chewy delivering the lifeless body of Ben Solo back to his mother, General Organa. I have never seen the force used on a Wookiee, so not sure if a Jedi or Sith lord could handle a revengeful fur ball. I also assume that Ben/Kylo is not as powerful as he is the muggle equivalent in the Force world.
  • And what every happened to the Fett Family?
I sure more will arise as we continue this saga...

(I know there are many that are more in tune with the Star Wars Universe and probably have answers/speculations to some of my thoughts, so be kind.)

Wednesday, January 6, 2016


I am a baseball fan, I really like the game.
My game day Griffey jersey.
Ken Griffey, Jr., is probably one of the greatest players in the modern game I have witnessed play the game. A true 5 tool player (Arm, glove, bat, speed, and power). I remember seeing the tail end of Willie Mays, but I am too young to have seen the bulk of his career. There have been other five tool players I have seen, Aaron, Schmidt, Bo, Guerrero, Ichiro, Hamilton, and currently Trout. But Griffey in my opinion is better then all those guys. Griffey played the game right, and had fun doing it.

Today he was elected to the Hall of Fame, and received 437 ballots out of 440, or 99.32%. Three writers for some reason left him off the ballot, I sure they have their reasons, but they should be ashamed of themselves for this omission and not allowed to vote after this...ever.

Monday, January 4, 2016

2016: A Political Year

I am a political junkie, I follow politics with a watchful eye and have my opinions just like most of us. I lean heavily toward the liberal side on many issues, but consider myself a centrist with a progressive drive. So the following is my opinion on those currently running for office of the President in the US.

In no particular order:

Hillary Clinton- the 'reported' front runner in the Democratic party. My issue with Hillary is she claims she has all this political experience, but what exactly is that experience? She served one and a third terms as a Senator before quitting to run for President in 2008. She was then appointed to head of the State Dept., which she then quit to run for President again. So how does this translate into any kind of proven political experience. Yes, she was first lady for 8 years and has been around the political machine and a Washington insider. While she does not currently have my support, I would not be broken hearted if she was elected. Popular for social reasons of electing the first women President, first person to be elected President after being married to a President, has financial connections to political machine (ie., super pacs).

Donald Trump- the reported front runner of the Republican party. A political outsider with no experience, a game show host and "reality TV star". Trump has lasted so far in the race as purely a circus main attraction. Can he close a business deal, probably, but has shaky history in that with multiple bankruptcies and other shady deals. The man scares the crap out of me when it comes to foreign affairs as he has no tact, no compromise abilities, and would lead us into senseless conflict everywhere due to his ego. Trump is a true political disaster waiting to happen for the US. Not sure why he is the front runner, but my guess is that he incites fear in the old white and undereducated populations. Most at the the top of the GOP do not like him, hopefully this prevents him from gaining the head of the ticket.

Bernie Sanders- the people's candidate. Some sources have him leading the polls in the Democratic race. Bernie has a long record proven record of pushing an agenda for the people of the US. While a Washington insider, does not appear to be owned by the big lobbyists and super pacs. The issue with Sanders getting elected, is that Congress will not work with him and it will be a continuation of the partisan mess currently going on. The benefit of him getting elected, is he will not dismantle anything the Obama Administration has accomplished, so things will not get worse and continue to improve in the way there are presently. Currently my choice for the office.

Ben Carson- has quieted down some in recent weeks. Another political outsider with no experience. Surprised that he is not smarter then he appears, coming from the medical field as a neurosurgeon. Carson is too engrossed in trying to win the social-conservative voting base, that he blurts out insane mutterings that make no sense, including get caught in crazy stories about his past that never happened. Happy that his popularity has waned and he is disappearing.

Ted Cruz- most likely the GOP bigwig's favorite and probably will get the nom from the party. Appeals to both the fiscal and social conservatives, good meat puppet for a lot of the "super pacs" on the right. Ted has just enough war hawk, anti-union, pro Wall Street, and lobbyists controlling him to make him the ideal choice. Not enough clout to beat either Clinton or Sanders.

Jeb Bush- probably the best groomed and best pedigree for the Oval Office. Problem is no one likes that hair style and the bloodline has been tainted by his father and brother. Outside chance of still getting the nom, but also doesn't have the support to get elected by the populace.

The Rest- The GOP race is still packed with a bunch of hopefuls but none have the connections to make a run, or have such a wacky past, or have done things so far in the race pushing them out of the running.

So there are my opinions of the current political landscape. Vote wisely people...