Monday, September 7, 2015

Apple v. Android: A Cage Match

I have been a fan and have used Apple products since their introduction in the mid 80s. They are a well design and built product. I like their operating system, ease of use and durability. I have had several desktops, laptops, iPods, and an iPad, but I have never been impressed with the iPhone.
Now I was late to jump on the "smart phone" bandwagon. I didn't need it, I had a laptop and an iPad, so why did I need a mobile device to do anything but make phone calls, and send and receive texts (and the camera is a nice extra). The cell service industry finally forced me into a smart phone as they have used their oligarchy control of the industry and phased out basic cell phones. {FYI: I use less than .25 gigs of data service a month}

I did my research when I had to make the jump, and I am not going to go into the battle of which is better, you can google that and decide for yourselves. I went with an Android phone based solely on price and availability with my cell service provider.

Since using an Android phone and an Apple computer, there has been a couple times that they have been connected. I have found that the Apple laptop can read just about everything on the Android phone and can even back-up files. The Android does not like to take anything from the Apple laptop (pictures, documents, calendars) and constantly gives me messages to this fact.

Which now brings me to the cage match I witnessed last night. I forgot to bring a charger for the phone (house sitting), but found a cable that would connect between the phone and the laptop. Phew, or so I thunk. Connected them and went to sleep. Woke this morning to find my cell phone completely dead. Not a single spark in the battery. I guess my Apple laptop tried to kill the Android phone by using it as a back-up power source. Well played Apple....

The Android phone is on life support and slowly recovering from its near death experience, and I have learned a lesson.

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