Monday, October 13, 2014

The Stupidity of Corporate America

So I drove through an industrial park or complex and was amazed at the number of buildings that were empty. About seven or eight total, but what really made me shake my head, was that three brand new buildings were being constructed for businesses moving into the complex.

What is wrong with retrofitting or using the buildings that already exist? This is just asinine and not good practice, both business wise and environmentally. It wasn't like these new building were different from the existing buildings. They were all your typical steel structure warehouse type.

I get that everyone has been conditioned to want something shiny and new. The current global economy and worldwide environmental state, I thought would leads us to better use of all resources, both economical and environmental. Seeing what I saw today, has proven me wrong.

It is just not this one industrial park, drive through any town, any city, and you will see empty buildings not being used and new construction for new business. I can understand that some businesses have a certain need or particular look to promote their commercial enterprise, but you have to think that at some point business schools are going to have to teach that reuse, reduce, refit, is more economical approach and this will lead to a more environmental friendly way of living.

I work part-time in a city and also see the number of empty store fronts, office space, that go years without use. I have been told that building owners will purposely keep the properties un-used for tax write off purposes as a business loss. May be it is time to change the tax structures and close the loopholes and start giving the tax breaks to property owners that get businesses into their buildings and refurbish spaces for use. And place higher tariffs on those that leave structures empty for years. How about moratoriums on new construction until all other properties in the area are being utilized?

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