Thursday, October 30, 2014

MLB: Umpiring

We have just gotten through a post season and crowned a WS Champ. All without a major flub from the officiating crews.

No missed or blown calls, no weird rules adjudicated in the heat of competition. No clash of egos between managers and the boys in blue (black nowadays).
Jim Joyce- Great Mustache, Great Umpire
While I did not see all the games or innings played, I heard nothing of any controversy over a call or application of a rule. I guess it helps that the majority of the managers involved in this year's post season are not known for being assholes…well maybe Uncle Buck. So that may have eased the antics.

I believe that replay was not a huge factor in the post season, especially the final series. I think the first time it was used in this series was in game 7, on a close play at first. Was the umpire wrong? Nope, he called what he saw in an instant on the field of play. When reviewed, it took almost 3 minutes for a definitive decision to overturn the call, and then no complaints from anyone. (Still no sure that the booth  got it right, one of those flip a coin calls)

So is this a positive sign for baseball? Does this display that a game can be played at a high level without controversy? May be the off season will not be mired with rules changes, experiments in officiating, and baseball can move on, and the the game can played on the field.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

HBM Update 4 Part II Volume 1 Subsection a

So I have decided to base my Halloween costume around my 'stache. After some research on the inter web, and an order from Amazon, I am going as an early explorer/safari/Boer War general. Pith helmut, monocle, and of course perfectly coifed mustache.

Stand by for further updates and photos....

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

It is back

Well my Mac is up and running again, now to piece all my stuff back together, find my copies of my applications, down load my recovered files, and see what is missing.

I still need to invest in some kind of back up, or two. May be a hard drive and a large thumb drive.  Any thoughts on this or suggestions?

Also trying to remember all the different log ins and passwords for various access to stuff, brain is not good for this...

Along with having to recreate the settings I like, the short cuts, the favorites, etc...

While my Mac was down, I had to use a PC system, that is not an easy thing to do. All the extra steps, the right clicks for some operations, the slower speeds of applications. Interesting world, the PCers live in. I will take Mac any day....

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Ahhhhh technology

Well my computer crashed on me, must be the massive amount of blogging I do and the mass that follows me.

Good news, is that it should be up and running again soon, and that the hard drive was still under warranty. While it is apart also making some minor upgrades and replacements.

The bad news, I lost about 7-10 days of work and for some reason all my excel files did not back up to the cloud storage. Is there a special setting for excel and backing up files? Probably time to clean old files anyway, now I am forced to do it.

I guess I should invest into some kind of external storage and take advantage of Apple's Time Machine program. Also after this fix not sure how much life I have left on  5+ year old laptop anyway.

I should not rely on the cloud anyway, I don't want those photos getting distributed by some mad hackers.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

HBM Update 4

It has been a while since I updated the HBM progress.

It continues and the care and grooming has become second nature. In fact on the rare days I wander around without grooming, I will catch sight of myself in the mirror and run to get it sculpted into perfection. Trimming has become a bit nerve wrecking, in the fear that I will slip or cut it uneven and have to start over.

People are starting to ask if it is real. The daring even ask to touch for proof of authenticity. Some so bold they will even give it a tug.  I have also started the growing a beard of the cold season (Winter is Coming- supposed to be a GOT reference or so I am told). This should be an interesting venture. Also getting a huge jump on the upcoming Movember.

Having discovered beard oil and conditioner, during this adventure, it has helped with the associated itching with facial hair growth. Still working on creating and maybe selling my own wax, and may now adding a beard oil.

Stay tuned for more HBM updates.

Monday, October 13, 2014

The Stupidity of Corporate America

So I drove through an industrial park or complex and was amazed at the number of buildings that were empty. About seven or eight total, but what really made me shake my head, was that three brand new buildings were being constructed for businesses moving into the complex.

What is wrong with retrofitting or using the buildings that already exist? This is just asinine and not good practice, both business wise and environmentally. It wasn't like these new building were different from the existing buildings. They were all your typical steel structure warehouse type.

I get that everyone has been conditioned to want something shiny and new. The current global economy and worldwide environmental state, I thought would leads us to better use of all resources, both economical and environmental. Seeing what I saw today, has proven me wrong.

It is just not this one industrial park, drive through any town, any city, and you will see empty buildings not being used and new construction for new business. I can understand that some businesses have a certain need or particular look to promote their commercial enterprise, but you have to think that at some point business schools are going to have to teach that reuse, reduce, refit, is more economical approach and this will lead to a more environmental friendly way of living.

I work part-time in a city and also see the number of empty store fronts, office space, that go years without use. I have been told that building owners will purposely keep the properties un-used for tax write off purposes as a business loss. May be it is time to change the tax structures and close the loopholes and start giving the tax breaks to property owners that get businesses into their buildings and refurbish spaces for use. And place higher tariffs on those that leave structures empty for years. How about moratoriums on new construction until all other properties in the area are being utilized?

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Have you ever....

Have you ever had a time with your child when you just laugh over nothing?

I had one of those times with my daughter tonight. Not sure what started it, or what it was all about, but before we knew it we were laughing uncontrollably about nothing. It helps that she has an infectious laugh, and listening to it will just cause you to smile and break out into more laughter.

 I hope these times will continue until I am old and grey. I hope that I will remember them and it will always bring a smile to my face. She says she gets her funny from me and I have always been able to be silly with her. Sometimes to the point that it is annoying to other people, but who cares, it is not about them. It is about us, and that is all that matters to us.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

What students may never experience today....

I have spent the last couple of weeks in a classroom and love the fact that Smartboards have become the norm, allowing great diversity in the presentation of lessons to students. Being able to switch from various media (video, internet, etc..), to writing notes and saving them for easy review and distribution. Interaction with students working at the board.

Of course the predecessor to the Smartboard and is still used a lot in classrooms is the white board. The white board took the place of the black/chalk board. The chalk board is just not found in classrooms anymore.

Because the black board is no longer in the classroom, today's student will not experience the chill of the squeak of chalk or someone clawing and dragging their nails across the slate. If anyone needs to be reminded of this sound, I found the following video, enjoy.