Many people read for pleasure, to entertain themselves, they will read maybe a Stephen King book, or something by JD Robb, or JK Rowling. Oh and that Grey Shades book.... Me, I read Hiaason, Twain, and Thompson, my writing inspirations, also James Rollins, David Morell, and Tom Clancy. All for pleasure, but not very often and probably not enough.
Having a young reader in the house, it is always good to set an example of being a reader. Both my children have seen their parents read a lot, the older one is a ferocious reader and reads for pleasure. The younger one reads, but is more like me and wants to read for information, and needs to be prodded to read for pleasure. But she still reads which is important.
Reading will also benefit you for advancing in your job, keeping up with changes, trends, and innovations within your industry. Nothing more impressive then knowing what is going on and being current. Also being willing to research and read will maintain a healthy career.
Well thanks for reading this, and feel free to post below, what you enjoy reading and why.
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