Monday, June 30, 2014

I am ashamed....

Scrolling through my Facebook wall, I see the numerous posts, reposts and links to the SCOTUS decision involving Hobby Lobby and the decision that employers have in anyone and everyone's right to birth control. I can honestly say I am ashamed, embarrassed, and angry to be an American. It is absolutely pitiful that this is what America has become. I served my country and along with many in my family has put their lives on the line to protect the freedoms of the the citizens of the US. For what? So that some christian radical business can dictate how we live? 


Have we lost our minds? I get that the christian right is not happy with a black man being in the White House, too bad, you lost the election, get over it and grow the f-up. And like the sheep that we are we are going to sit and take it, just roll over and take it. We want our guns, but are too chicken-shit to do anything about it. We are cowards. We won't fight the money and powers that be, because we have been sold the dream of the magic elixir known as money and that we are all going to be rich and powerful and we just need to follow along until it is our time, just keep working. F*CK THAT!

I can't even express how angry I am....I hate that people can hide their bigotry, misogynistic, racist views behind so called "religious freedom". We should all be ashamed.

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