Friday, December 7, 2018

Immaculate Gestation

This year the immaculate conception will be celebrated on December 8th, in honor of god knocking up the virgin Mary and 16 short days later Jesus was born in the manger. One of a gods' major miracles, but what poor Mary had to go through in just 16 days...regular human gestation normally takes 280 days.

You know what has a gestation period of about 16 days?

This is my daughter's hamster, Snowball, who passed away last Christmas day
I can not imagine the fatigue, swelling, cramping, nausea, bloating, food aversions and/or cravings, headaches, constipation, and mood swings that happened to Mary in just 16 days...Oh wait, least we forget the baby kicking, pressure on the bladder and other internal organs, flatulence, and back pain. All progressing in a little over two weeks.

Add this on top of being a virgin, and married to a guy, but you haven't consummated the relationship as directed by the good book.

And if this was all an act of a god, why all the obstacles, of having to travel and look for a place and ending up in a stable?

This just boggles my scientific analytical mind...enjoy the season people and keeping thinking and questioning...

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

#MAGA? F*ck No

So in the last couple of weeks we have had a recall on lettuce that was making people sick, now we have a recall of 5-12 million pounds of ground beef.
How is this happening?

It comes back to the party of no and so-called "fiscal responsibility" and their budget which cut 16% of the USDA budget (from $22.7B to $18B), who needs their food inspected, this just constricts the free market. Now we need to shut down the government to build a wall and government workers will not get a raise because of an "economic crisis."

The food we eat is not getting inspected properly and also all the workers that are willing to work in food production are being deported out of the country because they are scaring the white folks. This is being caused by the massive tax cuts and now the need to slash spending in the budget. And do those cuts come from the over inflated military budget? Fuck no. They come out of the smaller line items like the FDA and USDA, you know the ones help everyday people like you and me. Next, kill EPA clean water bills that protect waters used to irrigate crops and watering livestock.

We just had mid-term elections and were people intelligent enough to vote out this evil cretins, working only for their wallets? Fuck no. Keep believing that it will all trickle down, that everyone can achieve the "American Dream," that immigrants are coming to rob and rape you, take your jobs, steal your tax money...

You don't need healthcare and safety net if you die from food poisoning....Bon appetite!