Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Star Wars Movie Rankings (No Spoilers)

Having seen the newest episode, here is my new rankings...

  1. Episode 6 Return of the Jedi
  2. Episode 4 A New Hope
  3. Episode 7 The Force Awakens
  4. Episode 8 The Last Jedi
  5. Episode 5 The Empire Strikes Back
  6. Episode 3 Revenge of the Sith
  7. Episode 2 Attack of the Clones
  8. Episode 1 The Phantom Menace
Now Rogue One is a side story and I would put it between the 4th and 5th spots of this current ranking.

Monday, December 11, 2017

Bring on the Biblical Floods

I am by no means a religious man, nothing I have seen has ever convinced that a god exists and has done anything for man. If something ever happens to prove the existence of a god(s), I will reevaluate at the time. But for now I remain a man of science.
But maybe it is time for any god to show its hand and bring back the floods. You know the one, that supposedly cleansed the planet of all sin, yes that one. 

Looking around the world and what is happening currently, now would be the time to eradicate the earth of its sins and sinners. The politicos and their ill regard to people, the surge of sexual predators being exposed, the average man's disrespect for the planet. 

Maybe some are right and we need not heed the climate change, let the seas rise and wash the land of the Gula, Luxuria/Fornicatio, Avaritia, Superbia, Tristitia, Vanagloria, Ira, and Acedia. (And why do they call them the seven deadly sins when there are eight?)

I am sure the world has been this way forever, just now the cesspool has gotten full and the lid has floated off it and we are being exposed to the shit mess we have made. Some maybe enjoying the fertilizer, but to many the smell has become unbearable.

Here is to an appearance of a higher power, now would be the time to prove an existence...

Sunday, December 3, 2017

Colorado-isms Part 2

So last year when I travel west to see my daughter I did a blog about the various quirks I noticed of being in a different region and the people that live there. The following is a continuation and update of that first post.

  • I meet a lot of people that live there now, but are not from there originally, including a lot of New Englanders
  • I was picked out from not being a local for my vernacular and colloquialisms...use of 'wicked', and few other nor'eastern terms.
  • I got to have a rare brew to find that is brewed in CT while I was in Colorado.
  • My beard is now long enough to be accepted as a local, I know this because of the eye contact and head nod of approval from other bearded humans.
  • I still have not seen any big horned sheep.
  • The locals panic when they have no snow.
  • The country roads in the mountains are scary, they are twisty and turny, narrow, and have no guard rails.
  • My beard likes the climate there better, as I needed less to keep it manageable. 
  • Buffalo and elk are delicious.
Until next time...

Questions on Net Neutrality

As this great country just fucked over the tax payers  with 'new' tax cuts, we now face the 'leadership' of this country's next bigly move...net neutrality.

I have few questions...

If the interwebz is broken down and we are going to be charged for various packages of usage, how am I expected to pay bills? For the last several years I have been forced to electronically pay my bills online, instead of mailing a check or physically showing up and paying. Will I have to pay extra to have connection to pay my bills?

I do a majority of my banking online, will I have to pay extra for access to my own money? Bad enough we have to pay ATM fees to use our money.

Also, most of us file our taxes online, will we have to pay extra for services in order to give the government our money?

Anyone know the answers to all of this? Has anyone (including the 'geniuses') behind this thought this out?