Sunday, May 28, 2017

Stupid Words

There are a number of words that are making or have made their way into the daily vernacular. I think they should be vanquished from use immediately.

The first word is "sammich," a version of the word sandwich. Using this word just makes you sound under educated and in need of a good speech pathologists.

The second word is "hangry." Like 'sammich' this word also makes you sound under educated. I guess if you don't get you 'sammich' you get 'hangry.'

Next word is "bae." This is supposed to be a term of endearment. I guess you are too lazy to say the second "B" in the word babe. This now demonstrates that you are lazy enough to not bother with one letter in a four letter word, how much effort are you actually putting into the relationship.

"Coo." Similar to 'bae' in that you are too lazy to say one letter in a four letter word.

"Noob," I guess you are 'noob' if you use any of these words.

There are other words that just need to be stopped in conversation like "Swag" and  "Yolo," 'literally' is just plain used wrong and people need to use it correctly.

The one that absolutely needs to erased from our language is "Anywho." What does that even mean? What does it even represent? It is just plain weird.

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Old School versus New School

Many of my generation, and the generations on either side of me, speak poorly of the kids today. How they have it easy, they don't know what it is like to work hard, everyone gets a trophy, back in the day...blah, blah, blah.
Working with today's youth and having kids myself, I can honestly say we are wrong and wrong on many levels.

I sit and listen to the discussions going on today amongst kids, I do not remember having conversations with my classmates about our ADD, ADHD, OCD, or ODD. Yea, sure they were not diagnosing students a lot back in the day with any of this, but doesn't mean it did exist, just look around at your friends now (I will wait, but not for long, hey look a cat, anyone want to go for coffee?).

Next we bombard our students with multimedia presentations, iPad research, and other electronic gizmos during the day, then preach that they need to cut back on screen time as they are sent home with a couple hours of homework that needs to be submitted electronically via Powerschool, Study Island, or Google Classroom. Is anyone else noticing this or is it just me?
Then we have the cojones to say that students get participation awards and every kids get a prize, etc.... But who is handing out these senseless awards? We anyone else noticing this or is it just me?

Now add in the massive extra-curricular activities we place our kids in, playing chauffeur, from school soccer to rec league to premier league to travel team....don't forget they need to fit in a music or art class and the weekend horse riding lesson, because we want them well balanced. All the while, sitting on the sidelines and telling what needs to be done instead of letting them listen to their coaches and anyone else noticing this or is it just me?

Yep they have it anyone else not noticing this or is it just me?

Addendum: Lets not allow them a choice when they can go to the bathroom or get a drink, but wait until they are 17 and demand they make a decision on where they want to go to school and what they want for a career (and be smart about it, damn it).