Friday, February 24, 2017

The Return of the Word 'Retard'

Let me apologize up front, as many will take offense to the word 'retard'. I too, take offense when it is used in reference to people with disabilities. I have family members that are disabled and have been called 'retarded'. Our current president used it during his campaign, and I, along with many others, was offended.

This word is going to make a resurgence in the fact that the current leadership of this country has an issue in being retarded. The current administration and its followers are retarded. In the fact that they are rehashing and re-instituting programs and policy with know documented failures. The leadership and its supporters are demonstrating a retarded approach to running this country. Because of that they are retards, plain and simple.

The following is a short list of the retarded moves they have or are making:
  • education policy and the direction of the cabinet
  • environmental policy and the direction of the cabinet
  • economic policy and the direction of the administration
  • the relaxation of background checks for gun ownership
  • the handling of intelligence and the nuclear codes
I would go into details about each and all of these listed above, but the ones that need to understand, can't understand and those that do understand need no explanation. They do not get that their thought policy is retarded. They will continue to make the same bad decisions over and over, never taking a lesson away from their mistakes, sad when you really think about it.

So if you see me or others like me using the word 'retard' it is not towards or intended for those with disabilities, unless you think voting for and supporting Trump is a disability...

<btw, I like fucktard way more, but some will find the word fuck more offensive>

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Let Me Guess: The Republicans Replacement Plan for ACA

The republicans have been trying to repeal the American Care Act since it was passed (60+ times in fact). Now that they have control and have already started with some rushed executive orders, they will most likely succeed. Of course they are saying that they will have a "better" plan to replace it and they will probably spin and sell a plan that everyone will believe is in everyone's best interest.

Here is what I believe they will give the American people and the republican supporters will think it is great...Annual rebates, yep that is their plan, everyone will get $750 (per person in your household). You will be able to use this money towards any health plan of your choice, and since there is no requirement to have health coverage you can do anything you want with the money (maybe that new upgrade on a few kitchen appliances, a new gun for the collection, pay off the holiday purchases on the credit card, maybe a nice long and well deserved weekend away), whatever the skies the limit.

Now lets look at the cost of this masterful plan and what it will all cost. Currently the approximate number of people that "were" forced into the healthcare marketplace is about 47 million. The number of people that still get healthcare from their employer is about 150 million. The total number of people in the Medicare and Veteran's systems is about 105 million. Adding that all up is around 302 million and about 20 million unaccounted for still in the US population.

So 302,000,000 times $750 is 226.5 billion dollars in refund monies. But lets be realistic about this, everyone knows that the republicans are not going to give rebates to those on Medicare and Veterans, so we can take that 105 million out of the equation, lowering the cost of the rebates to $147.75 billion. That is still higher than the projected average of $22 billion per year that the current system cost. Now we could lower the cost of the replacement plan by another $112.5 billion by not giving a rebate to those that get health insurance through their employer, this would bring the cost of the rebate program down to $35.25 billion. But those 150 million that get health insurance through their employer are hard working and deserve the rebates too, so we will leave that in, it is only fair...

So the $147.75B that will be added into the annual budget is so much better than the current $ add the cost the government will have to cover for the uninsured that now come through the medical system because insurance is no longer a requirement...