Monday, May 30, 2016


As I peruse Facebook and drive through the local communities, I see a lot of people in snits about what is being purposed to be built in their neighborhoods. Pure NIMBYISTS (NIMBY=Not In My Back Yard)

Lately it is a gun range or natural gas station. Everyone wants the protection of a well-trained police force and cheaper energy as long as they don't have to see it or be near it.

I think the 'everyone gets a trophy' ideologue has been with some of the older people for longer than they would like to admit, and not just with today's kids. . "I want all the benefits, but I don't want to put in the time, effort, and sacrifice." <BUAAA!>. In other words, don't build that in my neighborhood, build it somewhere else, my neighborhood is too good for that kind of thing.
I am not going to get into the political stance of either of these issues, I have my opinions and everyone has theirs. I understand the necessity and vital need for both. I can empathize (and sympathize) with those with projects that environmental impact will outweigh the benefit (i.e., Keystone XL) and not wanting it in their backyard, but neither of the aforementioned issues will have an environmental impact.

Some are more then just NIMBY, there are some that are CAVE (Citizens Against Virtually Everything).

I am neither pro-build or anti-build, I am more is the regulations, stay within the guidelines, and build it right. No matter the cost of the project there is a proper way of doing it, it is the cost of doing business. I guess that same philosophy can be applied to the two issues above, it is the cost of doing business and if done right, it will benefit everyone.

I guess we can always build a wall and hope some else will pay for it.

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Now What...

I usually do a daily crossword or two online everyday. Research has shown, that simple brain stimulation like word puzzles helps stave off dementia and other brain age disorders, so this was my combat to that. Yahoo used to have a few good puzzles available everyday. On Friday, Yahoo ended their games page and the crossword puzzles are no longer available.

I have tried a few apps and other websites, but have not found anything that runs efficiently and doesn't cost. Anyone have any suggestions? Quickly before I forget...


Monday, May 2, 2016

Random Thoughts and Other Musings

It has been a while since I just unloaded my brain with everything that is bouncing around up there, so here you go and in no particular order...

  • The HBM and accompanying beard are doing great, about a month before I attend my first beard and mustache competition. I doubt I will be competing, but it will be nice to be in the company of like featured people.
  • April ended with a good record for my baseball team, hope they keep up the hard play and compete in the rest of the season as they have so far.
  • I had a cigar the other day that was fantastic, may have to adjust my top ten list soon, but that will be a separate post.
  • My son graduates college in a few weeks, where has the time gone...
  • The presidential race is turned into a mindless circus, and everyone has been suckered into the tent. Do you want Theocracy, Fascism, Oligarchy, or Social Democracy?
  • My knee is slowly getting better, at my age I think this will take awhile and it may bother me for the rest of my life.
That is all for now.