Monday, April 25, 2016

Yoga Shoes?

Got an advert that yoga shoes are on sale...wait, you need special shoes for yoga?

I have gone to one yoga class (I probably should do more), and everyone was barefoot, now you need yoga shoes? Is this just purely a marketing thing? Someone's new way to make millions?
I appreciate the yoga pants trend, really I do. So now everyone will all be wearing yoga shoes to the local coffee shop to get their spiced hot chai latte. 

Will Nike release an Air Guru? Adidas, a Climiguru? Will you need a special sock to wear with the yoga shoes? Will there be special shoes made for pronators and supinators? A special instep grip for cobra? Will you need different soles depending on the yoga mat you use? Maybe some quick drying ones with an anti-microbe lining for use in hot yoga...

I wish I had thought of this...

Monday, April 18, 2016

Political Parties

I am a political junkie, I follow politics and have no problem voicing my opinion. I do my due diligence on the issues and then look at which candidate aligns closest to my beliefs and ideology. My views may change from time to time, depending on what I have learned, experienced, and have for needs. I consider my self wizen, and I also have an understanding of cause and effect, and follow history. With this, I have become astute to the political climate.

I am also a believer that the party system is antiquated and needs to be done away with, or that more parties need to join the mix. I am not a sheeple and usually do not the herd.

With the current boondoggle that is our upcoming election, I have had no choice but to move my affiliation from independent to a recognized political party. Not in the necessity to get a certain candidate elected, but more in desperation to keep other candidates from gaining the nomination.

I have always had liberal and centrist leanings, but have my conservatives stances, too. Because of that, I have thought of myself as a free thinker without need of a party platform. I have been a registered voter since I was 18, and after 34 years of voting in all major elections, and most of the local ones, I have chosen a political party, although after the primary I may switch back to being an independent. I enjoy my free thinking ways.

Get out the vote.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016


My doctor sent in a prescription for a NSAID for my recent knee injury to help with the recovery sans surgery. Now I am not going to name names or list products so to protect the so-called "innocent" in the medical world, but here is what transpired...

First they were backordered on the first RX sent in by the doctor, so the pharmacist suggested an alternative, but my insurance would not cover her suggestion (I was informed I could pay for this out of my pocket--wonder who is getting some kickbacks on this one?) My doctor's office was contacted and another RX was recommended, also out, so another alternative was found. (Relax, we will eventually find something that fill the need)

The alternative they found causes reactions similar to reactions that coincide with aspirin allergies, which I have been told I have. The conversation between the pharmacist and I went something like this...

Pharmacist: "Our records show that you have an allergy to aspirin."
Me: "Yes.'
Pharmacist: "What happens when you take aspirin?"
Me: "Don't know, it is an allergy that dates back to my early childhood."
Pharmacist: "So you haven't taken aspirin recently?"
Me: "No, I avoid it, because I have an allergy to it."
<thinking to myself, she did not just ask that question, like I occasionally test my own allergic reactions>
Pharmacist: "Do you use ibuprofen?"
Me: "Yes."

She then goes through a long scary list like the television commercials of all the possible side affects and outcomes of use of this medicine, including death. Staples the instructions to the bag and hands it to me and tells me to call my doctor if there are any issues.

I tried the NSAID and have had no adverse reaction, and it has helped with the inflammation. But the medical field can not possible be run like this with a try it and see method, or have all the great minds avoided the field and gone elsewhere...

Saturday, April 2, 2016

End of a Good Run: A Double Entendre

I have been a biped for 50 years now (first couple I was happy with being carried or crawling), give or take a few months. During that time I have played competitive sports for at least 35 years, officiated for 25 years, and have never had a serious knee injury. Well that streak ended today.

I have had plenty of other serious injuries in my life; wrist, shoulder, hand, ankle, ribs, and toes, but nothing knee related. Thought I had knee troubles, but it turned out to be Lyme disease.
I slipped down three steps but my left leg decided to stay on the top step and I torqued the knee sideways doing damage to my MCL. Currently in a brace and waiting to see what the final verdict will be...

I can officially say my plans for any kind of a come back have been put on hold...