Wednesday, October 28, 2015

No Shave November, Movember or Noshember?

As the month of November approaches, males are faced with whether to participate in a month long endeavor for raising awareness of men's health issues. That is right kids, it is No Shave November. Or is it Movember? Or Noshember?

Most are now calling it Movember, but I personally do not like that. Movember sounds like you should be shaving, or mowing, for the month (who would want to do that?). I know the people at claim it is a portmanteau of mustache and November, but it is weak in my opinion. A better portmanteau is Noshember, a combination of No, Shave, and November. It is used by the folks at Check either of them out and get involved.

Now the new found tradition of No Shave November started in the southern hemisphere in the countries of New Zealand and Australia circa 2007. Both laying claim as being first, but I am not getting into that fight. Another source says it dates back to the Viet Nam war era and the US Air Force with Mustache March, where the members of the USAF would not shave (breaking regulation) in honor of Robin Olds, a triple ace pilot that went against the establishment with a well groomed waxed handlebar mustache- many thought it made him bulletproof. Olds passed away in 2007 (interesting coincidence?).

But how do I participate? I have had some kind of facial for the past 25+ years. Full beards, goatees, soul patches, and now a handlebar mustache. So not shaving for a month is not really a challenge for me. Actually the daily grooming of my HBM is just as costly as shaving regularly, so there is not a savings for donation.  I guess I will figure it out and do what I can.

In the mean time here is some facts about why having facial hair is cool...
So get involved or support someone who is involved...

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

My Business Acumen

I am a good salesman, I work part-time in retail and can move product and my customers are satisfied with what I sell them. At the end of the day the register is sated and the business continues to operate.
I recently entered into the online e-commerce world of eBay.  This should be an easy way to make a little extra ( little being the keyword), or so I thought. I placed three items for sale and today sold my first item. It sold for the lowest bid, but at least it sold, it is a start.

The item that I sold, my daughter used once and did not like the feel. We paid $35 for that item new. I sold it for $9. Wait it gets better.... Shipping cost me $3.25 and the bag to mail it in cost me $4, wait we are not done, my daughter used up all the shipping tape for some craft project so I also had to purchase a roll of that at $1.50. That totals $8.75, with a net profit of 25 cents. I am well on my way to being a 1%er. (Please ignore the fact the original cost of the item was $35 and it was only used once.)

While some of this is exaggerated-I did receive shipping cost from the buyer and I did get 5 bags for that $4, and who knows how long that roll of tape will last (especially if I can hide it from the daughter's craft works). It sure feels like I only made 25 cents on the whole exchange. I still have two items currently for sale, so maybe a little larger profit margin on those items is coming.

I just need to up my game.

Monday, October 12, 2015

HBM Update 7 (officially)

It has been a while since I did an 'Official' Handle Bar Mustache (HBM) update. I have included small tidbits pertaining to it in various other posts, but I have been remiss in doing stand alone progressive reports. My apologies to those that check in just for these writings.

It has now been over a year and a half since its inception and it continues to be a part of me. I recently reported that I am tempting to widen the 'stache to gain a bigger look. This is going slow but is getting there. I also just trimmed the chin hair, more to even the growth then to shorten the length, although it came out shorter then I wanted it.

I did go to the local Scottish fest (2 actually), and it is great mingling with others that grow and groom great facial hair. It is a chance to talk and share the nuances of maintaining whiskers. It is great getting complements from those that appreciate the 'stache, it is even better to get positives from those that also have great furred faces.

So I leave you with this quote...
"It is not the mustache you carry, but how you carry the mustache...actually it is the mustache."

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Pumpkin Appropriate

With pumpkin season upon us, I thought I would voice my opinion where and how pumpkins should be used and not used. So here is a list:
  1. In a pie. This is where it is most important, it is delicious. One of the best parts of a fall feast. Also one of the best pies that can be made IMHO.
  2. On a porch/step/stoop as a decoration. Carved, painted, or just sitting there.
  3. Smashed in a road. While not nice, it is a time honored tradition for many a vandal. Maybe buy extra and smash one in the road and keave someone else's alone.
  4. In a patch.
  5. Being flung/hurled/catapulted/chucked/cannoned in a competition. Thank you Discovery Channel. The science, the engineering, the fun.
  6. At the fair. Huge pumpkins are amazing.
  7. Muffins/donuts. Okay, so they can be delicious in other baked goods.
  8. Soups. This is s stretch, but I have had some pumpkin soups that are good, but you do have to over ride the sweetness with a drizzle of hot sauce. Once again IMHO.
Please keep them out of coffee, ale, soda, wine, creamers, potato chips, Oreos, jello, cream cheese, breathe mints, hummus, yogurt, gum, and lastly peanut butter.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Brain Drops (aka Random Mutterings)

Time once again for some random thoughts (thinkings) to be shared, so sit back, relax and enjoy...

  • Just when you think you know a person and truly like them, you find out they are a closet bigot. I respected this guy and his mind, then you discover he has this theory that the US is secretly run (and ruined) by Zionists.
  • Pre-mature holiday decorations, as a protest I have randomly started to wear holiday ties to work to see if anyone will notice. A kind of social experiment...
  • Avo has released a new cigar called the Syncro, a fantastic smoke and plays perfectly to my palate. To me it literally taste like a bowl of dry raisin bran.
  • Life is good.
  • People still care more about Benghazi and the "cover up", then they do about saving innocent lives here in the US.
  • I need to motivate myself to motivate myself.
Carry on with your day...